In an age of technology, childpredators were everywhere, even in school. A notorious predator lurked, a predator named Jkrdan. Jordan was the late predascessor of the og toucher known as edp. Given his power, Jordan went roughe. He touched evtire teams of minor league players, even volunteering at a daycare just to get closer. When the time was right, he swooped in and took the unsespecting victim, and gobbled the poor child. Jordan is a public menace, if you have any information, notify us immediately, protect your kids and stay safe.
Jordan referance
Who is this guy, Jordan?
Jordan is the cutest girl you will ever see, and Jordan if your on here I hope you know who I am because I have a crush on you.
Don't care. If the YouTubers do it before you do it you won't have a brother.
Hym "Don't care Jordan. I don't fucking care."
Oh, by the way, you don't call him daddy do you? Please... Please tell me that you don't. It would be funny if you did. Borderline hilarious. But, it would make me sad...
Hym "Yeah, I couldn't do it. I told you about the time the brothel madam tried to set me up with her friend (who shared my mothers name), right? That shit just kind of weirded me out, you know? So, eventually this chick gets engaged, right? She's a project director at a different program (because it's not a home for the retards, it's a "program"), right? Why is a project director being scheduled to work at another project director's program for 1 hour when there is only 1 crip-er 'client'? Well, the crappable is attached to a fat meaty dickle, of course. To cheat on her fiance with one of the retards. So... I donno... Is that a win or a loss for me?
Cus it's definitely a loss for the fiance... I mean, she's got 4 kids. One of which is disabled. He has probably bought them school clothes at some point by now. Does he not have a right to know? Should I tell them? Let's go to the boyfriends. Tell them: Your dick is small so you're social worker girlfriends (who are (second only to nurses) statistically more likely to cheat) are fucking one of the retards at the programs. Hey, remember the day she told you 'No, actually I have to go to this other house for a training shift'? That was the exact day she fucked him. Got her little pussy stretched. By a retard. Only one of them consented to it. Can you guess who? Give you a hint. The retard is legally incompetent and, therefore, couldn't have consented. Still don't know? It was YOUR WIFE! YOUR WIFE FUCKED A RETARD BEHIND YOUR BACK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Ho! That. is. rich. Damn... Alright... I'm going to bed. Tell Jordan I said 'Hi'... And not the one you're thinking of but the other one."
Jordan's are most shoes most niggas have Jordan's are mostly 180$ in size 4 260$ in size 10 most people have more than 1 pair of jordans
Kind, helpful, smart and forever generous. She loves reading and writing, and she unfortunately suffers from a never ending Netflix addiction. She's never judgmental and is always positive. There's so much more to say, but I'd need to write a whole book for that. I think everyone needs a friend, just like Jordan.
Q: Why is she so generous?
A: Because she's Jordan.