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Mississippi Mud Pie

It's when a guy is butt fucking a woman and pulls out and gives her a mouthful of mud pie(shitty dick)she licks the spoon clean until he fills her mouth with whip cream(jizz)

Hey, Sarah popped I your sister's cherry pie last night and gave her a Mississippi Mud Pie for dessert. Ummmm..my favorite!

by MarkAnthony512 June 5, 2020

Off the mud pt2

A song made by MDOT EBK JB Sleeze and Eddie Gz shot by kjshotit

This song practically created the sturdy off the new york area of The Bronx

This song is legendary

Off the mud pt2 is just amazing

by FUNNYNAMEMAKERLOL September 30, 2023

Mississippi Mud Hop

The act of a male entering a restroom intending to urinate only to discover a dire need to defecate, then reverting to an emergency dropping of the pants and mounting the toilet without turning around. This must all be done midstream.

"Dude, totally went in there to take a piss when, BAM! Hit me. Had to shit. Pulled a Mississippi Mud Hop just in time."

by Shin Wu Crippler February 3, 2012

Mud In Her Ditch

When a women wipes from the back to the front thereby depositing feces ie MUD into her vagina ie her DITCH.

"Dude, that bitch was so nasty when I went down on her she had mud in her ditch."

by PoopMongrual November 13, 2013

Mud Wall Jutsu

When you spend weeks building a wall out of dirt, wait for it to harden, and then kidnap children to throw against your homemade wall of dirt and mud.

Friend 1: "hey, I've been working on my 'mud wall jutsu' for a while but need some help picking out the kids to throw at it."
Friend 2: "ye sure, what are you looking for, I've got loads of black ones in my basement if that's what your looking for."
Friend 1: "nah, I'm looking for some new borns to start with, just to see if my wall will hold..."

by naruto_dictionary February 6, 2021

Michigan Mud Hole

When you are doing anal and your partner shits.

¨Man, I was enjoying anal until she gave me the Michigan Mud Hole!

by darkingEnder May 21, 2019

Cranston Mud Muzzle

The act of taking laxatives then shitting in a women’s mouth and then wrapping her head in duck tape

The Cranston Mud Muzzle is only for truant professionals

by VanillaSugar69 December 22, 2020