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Baby Star Candy

Jeon Jungkook.

Baby Star Candy holds the whole galaxy in his eyes.

by Joy5813 September 25, 2022

Five star moment

An event where a person or group is publicly advised of their shortcomings. Often in an abrupt and humiliating manner.

Late 20th century coinage pertaining to a band from the UK named Five Star and a phone-in interview on a popular UK childrens television show in the late 1980s.

On national TV:
Sarah Greene: OK Eliot, what's your question:
Caller: I would just like to ask Five Star WHY THEY'RE SO FUCKING CRAP, FUCKING... <cuts out>.

That is a Five Star moment, they never really recovered from that. If you find the youtube clip, watch for the girl in black sat immediately to the right of them trying not to piss herself -TV gold!

by ?uestion July 1, 2011

Lonely Rolling Star

The greatest katamari damacy song by far, maybe even the greatest song ever. A song about a woman who's lover has a tendency to roll away from her, and how much she desperately wants him to roll back.

ayo bro lonely rolling star is a banger

by Googamer_OwO July 19, 2021

Fox star arjun

Fox star arjun is our Aathu cunny Arjun because his nose and lips looks like a fox that's why his fans calls him as fox star .

Before surgery Aathu cunny looks like a fox and after surgery he looks like chocolate flavour cake. That's why his fans like cake

Fox star arjun

by šŸ¦Šfox November 11, 2020

From Scars to Stars

When you stop dwelling on the wrongs others did to you and decide to forgive them, God wants to free you from any sense of blame, disgrace, or humiliation, and puts on you new labels like ā€œAnointed,ā€ ā€œValuable,ā€ and ā€œMasterpieceā€ to bless and reward you that you wonā€™t remember the past injustices done to you.

The life of Joseph, as recounted in the Bible, who was thrown into a pit to die, then sold by his brothers to slavery, and later wrongly accused and imprisoned for not acceding to his bossā€™s wifeā€™s sexual favors were some of his scars; however, Josephā€™s ability to interpret dreams while in prison, his appointment by Pharaoh to rule over Egypt, and rescuing his own brothers from famine were some of his stars. Joseph was someone who went from scars to starsā€”from pit to prison to palace.

by Fasters July 19, 2022

10šŸ‘ 12šŸ‘Ž

the stars, they must be singing

a very depressing larry fan fiction that will leave you emotionally bruised. (louis x harry)

ā€œhave you read ā€˜the stars, they must be singingā€™ on ao3?ā€

ā€œyeah, physically iā€™m fine, emotionally iā€™m bruised.ā€

by eatcarrotswh0re September 10, 2020

star trek slut

A midwestern woman in her 30s usually divorced with or without kids, who prides herself in watching sci-fi shows such as Dr.Who and specifically Star Trek. Reads mostly Sci fi or non-fiction stuff. Probably has tattoos and pierced nippers. These women claim to have never had an orgasm or being always horny.

MAN1: Samantha is a star trek slut
MAN2: Why do you say that?
MAN1: 1. She's from South Wisconsin.
2. She's into sci-fi

3. She has pierced nipples
4. I fingered her for half an hour and she still didn't cum!
Man2: That definitely makes her a star trek slut!

by Sam Mill December 23, 2021