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the best

JACOB is the best

by not_____Jacob October 29, 2019


loves slamming girls like dannielle

* jacob see's dannielle * *boing*
*jacob what the f**k was that*
*dannielle* that is some big dick energy

by rbrbklwu, tbh23ui kjhfnqdk,nd December 5, 2019


Jacob is a cute and sexy man. He has a 12 incher and can fuck u hard i mean hard!!

Jacob is sexy

by UrbanDictionary._com November 29, 2018


Jacob is a person who likes to slap your ass in a no homo way or that's what people think. He loves swallow penis especially his boyfriends Jing Dong so if you give him a nickel he might just tickle your pickle. So he is fat and rolls like a doughnut but can't still seem to slide the Dm's

Friend1: do you have a spare nickel so Jacob can blow me
Friend2: sure he is really good at what he does

by BRANKS_BOI November 19, 2018


Little cock boy

This person is such a Jacob

by Friend of dictionary June 29, 2021


The one person who will pull fake ass patch notes out of their ass and present them as the truth, this person will also get any game lore incorrect.

Jacob told me that the new smg shoots cum instead of bullets.

by Lilly IDK April 14, 2024


Jacob is the kind of guy that has gross shaggy hair that he refuses to clean. He usually wears virginity rocks shirts and jokes about dicks. He is offensive to woman too :D he is extremely stupid and will probably grow up to be the creepy gym teacher. Be careful around Jacobs, they might start a rumor that you have slept with multiple guys.

Person 1 : Omg look it’s Jacob! Avert your eyes.
Person 2 : Oh god he is coming!
Jacob: Sup turds. You all look like complete fags today. I’m gonna go vape till smoke comes out of my ears.
Person 2 : that’s not how that works...
Jacob: shut up dweeb. You’re a boomer.

by AppleSausumPossum October 17, 2019