when yo girl chewing gum when giving you head and she blow a bubble on yo penis and you jizz in it. Call that shit bubble cum
Yo last night i bubble cummed my girl.
Low paying job, making very little pay, similar to paying peanuts. You say I'm getting paid BUBBLE GUM CHANGE. To describe a low paying job.
You say I'm getting paid BUBBLE GUM CHANGE. To describe a low paying job.
An oral sexual act, similar to earning Red Wings, which involves a person licking another person’s anus. However, during this act the recipient either sharts or leaves fecal residue on the other person's mouth and/or lips.
So how did your date go last night; did you get in her pants? Yeah, and I earned my Brown Bubble in the process; I'll never do lick another person's butt ever again.
"Beldam Speech Bubble" refers to the character Beldam from the Nintendo GameCube Video game "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door" which has recently gotten a remake released for the Nintendo Switch on May 23rd 2024. Beldam has two sisters, one of which is named Vivian and is bullied a lot throughout the game by Beldam and doesn't accept that she is a transgender woman. Because of this, Paper Mario fans will often reply to any transphobic comment and/or statement with "Beldam Speech Bubble" with the speech bubble part simply coming from an online meme of the character with a speech bubble that is meant to show her saying the transphobic statement.
"Transgender people aren't real!" Reply: "Beldam Speech Bubble"
A person that is a no good worthless shit that doesn’t know their own boundaries.
Thomas is acting like a major scum bubble today.