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Snake gas

When you are sitting down and you fart, but the gas can't get out so it pushes (slithers) between you balls and your leg

I was in class and let out some snake gas

by Shawnhilliary@gmail.com August 19, 2016

Dale Gas

Hurry, step on the gas (literally "go for the gas")

"Let's go! Dale gas!"

by Anna Mae Bollocks June 22, 2023

Wuganung chung ga nung

Basically any cuss word you like. You can say "Wuganung" for short

Oh I'm gonna be in so much Wuganung chung ga nunging trouble!

Oh you Wuganung!

by Bacon friez February 6, 2024

Gas Charming

Gas charming a person that uses their charm with words to get what they want.

They were gas charming in hopes of winning love.

by 3am Soul December 15, 2023

Gas Station Anal Beads

Gas Station Anal Beads are defined as nerd ropes due to them being available at gas stations and its similarity to the length and proportions of anal beads. Usually they are inserted into the anal cavity and then eaten out by the inserter.

Guy 1: "We went to the gas station earlier"
Guy 2: "Did you pick up Gas Station Anal Beads?"
Guy 1: "Yeah, used them as intended."

by CommanderCumLord January 3, 2022

The Gas Chamber

Farting in a pillow and putting it around your partners head.

I'm going to put Stacy in The Gas Chamber tonight.

by R-O-13 February 6, 2021

The Gas Chamber

Putting your partner in the gas chamber is know as farting in a pillowcase and wrapping it tightly around your partners head.

Im going to put Stacy in the gas chamber tonight

by R-O-13 February 6, 2021