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1. narcoleptic

2.A ditsy blond who acts like a three year old child.

3.A senior citizen who's addicted to fabric.

1.Granny turned into a real pillowcase.

2.look at that pillowcase sleeping at the wheel.

3.jennie is such a pillowcase she forgot her make-up again.

by Acid303404 May 18, 2005

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


the name you give someone with they sleep all the time

"dude youre such a pillowcase"

by hyperbratt April 26, 2009

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1. A covering used to protect your pillow from the elements.
2. An object sold to children at very high prices at concerts when they have nothing to be held up and/or signed. Sometimes has the band logo ironed on, but is still worth much less than little Susie's mother will be paying for it.

1. " Mommy, I need to buy a new pillowcase. Mine is covered in booooooogers."
2. "Mommy, Hannah Montana is in town and that nice looking man over there is selling pillowcases! You know I'll cherish it forever!"

by cowsgomoo212 April 14, 2010

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a pillowcase is on a pillow

i pillowcased the pillow

by Noodleyp December 22, 2016


Limp dick sex

Like stuffing a pillow into a pillowcase

Dude, my dick was so soft I was pillowcasing!

by jcsam July 12, 2011

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Shit in a pillowcase

It’s when someone (me, I’m doing it now as I type this, yeah) shits in Sandy’s pillowcase.

I shit in a pillowcase. Matter of fact, I’m still currently shitting in Sandy’s pillowcase.

by Plinko59 December 17, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pillowcase crab

A person who sleeps all day, is crabby, and walks funny.
Most are named Jay.

Yo man what you up to?
sleepin dawg
wow. youza mothafuckin pillowcase crab, G!
word... but i don't take shit

by hippomenes August 16, 2008

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