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Slooooooot am

Meaning: Wanting to have sex, expressing oneself as to how one is going to have sex.

He said he go slooooooot am when she arrives.

by Legendbabe May 13, 2021

I am...Youth Portal

即刻上i-am.hk 同埋下載I am... 青年職學平台!

I am...youth portal 喺一站式數碼化平台

by iamyouthportal November 22, 2021

i am too baguette for this

when your french amigo is incapable of understanding what is going on/being said

oh i went up the apple and pears

i dont know what that means, i am too baguette for this

by bobconcarni November 4, 2023

What am I doing wrong

Used when there’s a hot girl and somehow an ugly guy gets with her

Damn Skylar is bad!!! Look at her boyfriend though, he’s ugly. what Am I doing wrong

by tanoshimou September 25, 2023