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Clam with air biscuit

Girl farting while she receives oral sex

Daniele gave me a clam with air biscuit last night.

by Eric70 September 12, 2016

step on my biscuit

Someone who goes around killing every nigga's vibe

"Treshon is such a dick, goin around, stepping on people's biscuits and shit"

"What're you talking about? I doubt anything interesting nigga"

"Bitch don't step on my biscuit!"

by Biscuit bean March 3, 2017

Soggy Crack Biscuit

You gather some friends and play a casual game of Soggy Biscuit and then Everyone shits on the biscuit and then everyone plays a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and whoever loses eats it. Almost as Simple as Jenga!!

Man would i kill to play a game of Soggy Crack Biscuit with Jessica's cute ass.

by Uncle Tubby December 19, 2020

Dropping Your Biscuit

Dropping a smelly fart during intercourse.

"Oh no Nancy, are you dropping your biscuit again?"

"Why yes Terrance, I did just drop my biscuit!"

by TheWiseApricot June 15, 2018

Dunk your biscuit

The act of having sexual intercouse. Can be double dunked for extra pleasure.

"Bro, I saw Carla walking like an Egyptian this morning, you dunk your biscuit in her after the party?" "Dude, I totally double dunked my biscuit in that. Girl loves a Hobnob"

by October 16, 2020

horny dick biscuit

When you are horny and your dick is hard and in your pants, and it rolls into the shape of a biscuit.

Man 1: dude did you see dem titties? I got so horny that my dick rolled in my pants!
Man 2: yah! I got a horny dick biscuit too!

by MLGDickWaggon May 8, 2017

Biscuit in a Gravy swamp

1: when you fill one of your partner’s holes with gravy and then stick your penis in it.

2: a state of happiness or fulfillment, usually expressed by southern gentlemen.

Jacob dipped his biscuit in a gravy swamp.

by Hot Garbage 360 December 31, 2021