Mitch moment is when someone says something Mitch would say.
“I don’t make the rules, I shit in the sink. Gang💯“ - Mitch moment
When there is a person named mitch and someone says Mitch Moment
Hey this is truly a Mitch Moment
Used in many satire comment sections, oftentimes in Arab meme videos or the Shidbot420 comment section. It represents a misspelling of Funny, usually by non-native English speakers.
Video title: "Top Ten halal Keanu Reeves Imposter Moments!!!
Commenter: "Wow this is a Funi moment. Very sus imposter Funi moment"
When this one guy named Kieran is being hella cringe.
Person 1: Hey Kieran, do you like pickles?
Kieran: Yes, I love gherkins.
Person 2: This is a Kieran Moment.
Situation where someone screws something up with a little bit of funnieness or stupidity involved.
Bro Momento is spanish.
-"Man, forget 'bout last night, every body has his bruh moments"
+"Ya dude, you killed it though"
Stacey: I just got killed by a sword in Rust
Giandro: bruh moment