Source Code

Cause I Can and It's Free

A phrase to answer any "why" questions.

Cause I can and it's free.

by Sexiiiioooo August 12, 2010

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can I hold a dolla

1.(verb)-A term used by a "hood nigga" or "street nigga" to size you up,and or see whats in your pockets and rob you or con there way into always getting a dollar from you when needed or see you ,because there broke and want other peoples money
2.-A term used by a friend or someone to borrow a dollar and will pay you back next time.

hood nigga:"yo can I hold a dolla?"

aquaintance:"a...yea I have a dollar"(guy pulls wallet out)

hood nigga:(takes the guys wallet)

aquaintance:"Hey yo come on man chill please give my wallet back"

hood nigga: "SHUT UP BEFORE I POKE U THE FUCK UP NIGGA!"(hood nigga walks off)

by Stand up guy 7 December 14, 2012

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Aunt Susie's Ash Can

Noun - A place to stick things. Usually used when trying to make a point about something.

Ya?!! Well you can take that and stick it in your Aunt Susie's ash can!

by exponentialhalitosis September 26, 2006

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can i get a ride

a question asked to kids of all ages of middle school by a little turn-eater with road kill on his head named jastin

when your parents pick up this little moucher he askes for a ride fto burbank so he doesnt have to use his bus tokens

by Korn911 April 20, 2005

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Can you pack up?

When your driving your maths teacher up the wall and they ask you to leave the classroom.

Alfie can you pack up?

by BeepBeepBitsInTheChat July 10, 2018

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You can fuck right off

A very firm, concise and unambiguous way of dismissing someone, namely used in a social context and not suitable for the office. Retains a slightly friendlier tone than the sharper variant "fuck off", the latter of which should be used in scenarios where the conveyance of anger is key.

"Please wash the dishes"
"You can fuck right off".

Notice the subject matter here is most likely to be exchanged between persons with a preexisting relationship. If the offending party was a stranger, "fuck off" might be used instead.

by Mrmacho February 1, 2016

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Can I smell your butt?!

This is an expression. A way of conveying one's affection for someone special. This expression enables someone to get right to the crux of their intentions. A favorite pickup line amongst men in pursuit of a lady. Can be used interchangeably as a means of simply getting someone's attention. Some lucky recipients may be offered a positive, accommodating response by being offered the opportunity to 'snort anal crack'.

Hey baby, Can I smell your butt?!

by Big Ed Moustapha October 14, 2009

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