You know, I’ll never understand the other half.
Person 1: “Hey, who’s that woman over there?”
Person 2: “Yeah, that’s Katie. I don’t understand her, she is so cryptic.”
Person 1: “I guess we’ll never understand women.”
better than a man
better gender
can do anything
that woman deserves the world she is such a hard worker she really proves women are the best
1. An overplayed song by Doja Cat
2. Adult Human Female
3. A Misogynistic Misspelling of Wombyn
Did you hear that song "Woman"?
Yeah, it's all over the radio
I was in the women's bathroom.
I am not a woman, I am a W-O-M-B-Y-N and I'm proud!
something that cleans dishes stays home and do all chores and rides dick
guy 1: make me a sandwich woman
woman 1: yes master
1- A person born with a vagina, uterus and XX chromosomes.
2- Adult or elderly woman.
1- Person born with a vagina, uterus and XX chromosomes.
2- Young, adult or elderly woman.