The Clermont Twins (aka the two hotties in Nicki Minajs' Good Form Music Video)
"If you look up bad bitch in the dictionary, you'll find the clermont twins"
A bad bitch is Janae like literallyyy
Girl you seen Janae now that is a bad bitchhhhh 😛”
A female that has over come a total disaster and still can handle whatever is next..
Damn Jannette is a bad bitCH!
Frauen, die auf Ziegen- und Kinnbärte stehen.
Frauen, die auf Ziegenbärte stehen sind Bad Bitches.
the "BAD BITCHES" are bitches dont give a FUCK, so girl you are a bad bitch, even if your a boy YOU STILL A BAD BITCH periodt
man i love being in the BAD BITCHES club