Pretty lady who is funny and sweet. She has a beautiful singing voice. She is decent at comedic acting, but awful at dramatic acting. Insanely overrated and ridiculously overhyped by a very vocal minority.
"Have you seen Emily Bett Rickards in Arrow?" -- Yea, she can't act!
Have you ever wondered - what is an Emilie? Well I have the answer:
An Emilie is a very complex creature with many quirks. It can be found in its natural habitat Låsby, where it participates in the lokal samfund. The Emilie species is known for its stunning appearance and signature sounds - the Emilie has a variety of sounds it makes when it becomes happy. The Emilie is also known for having a bygningsfejl which makes it bad at minigolf and every other physical activity. Nonetheless the Emilie is a very lovely and amazing creature and a blessing to this earth.
"Look at that, that must be an Emilie"
Baddest girl out there. Hella good at valorant. Dont hit her up she got a boy.
Emilie is a word that is often used in a negative sentence. Emilie is very quirky and fun, but once u get to know her its all going bad. On the outside she is a little sweety pie, but on the inside shes a real devil😉
Omg look that is such a Emilie thing to do!
Emilie is Emilie. She screams a lot and needs help a lot and laughs a lot. All her clothes and jackets look the same. She has a crush on a 22 year old who looks like the ratatouille guy.
Omg its Emilie
Hope she doesn't simp for my brother, he's 22
If you have an Emilie in your life you must be the luckiest thing. She is the most beautiful thing on the planet but she doesn't see it so you need to remind her everyday. She always brings you up when you're down and always puts others before herself. Emilie cares about the environment and the happiness of others. She is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She is humble, and her laugh is so contagious. And whenever you critique your looks, she'll say you're the most beautiful person I've met. She is great at talking to people and gets on with everyone. If you have an Emilie in your life, keep her close because she will always be there for you.
You: Look at how ugly I look.
Emilie: STOP IT! You are super gorgeous!
Emilie is the sexiest biscuit you'll ever meet not gonna lie i would smash her anyday and i am her, emilie likes dead baby ice cream and always fricks eren when proud. she is such a beautiful snowflake muah
Emilie fucked Eren with her beauty