An entity fueled by rage and hate. It travels in a large, metal, tube, and gets extreme road rage. It periodically threatens to crash into cars that are using the breakdown lane. Never get inside the tube.
Uh-oh! I'm being killed by The Bus Driver!
-greasy ginger dreadlocks
-defo has nits
-cheats on noah whittingham
-shit at nails
-space rader looking
-wonky nose
"he said he likes gingers so i dyed my skin!" - No7 bus basher (ava harper)
There is no real definition, it's just to see how people react to the word and question what it means to have bus driver hands
You have Bus Driver Hands. How do you feel about that?
Bus fapper is a singapore buses facebook page enthusiast who mechaphiles with public buses in Singapore
Look at how Shaun keeps doing bus fapper on that bus!
1. The act of ride sharing to a ski resort
2. A drinking game where passengers drink one beer every time an annoying ski reference including the words shred, gnar, conditions, etc is made on the ride to a ski resort
We ski bussed the way here and Trent literally passed out in the netting.
Cheap, yet very strong, alcoholic beverage, liable to make you stagger about punching buses. IE White Cider, Special Brew, etc.
Look at that penny stamp in the middle of the road! He's been on the bus puncher I reckon.
Turbulence Bus aka TERRXRIZZT is some little fucker on Twitter that likes nonstop talk about his addiction to fapping to Meow Skulls and fantasizes some brutal shit
1:Yo check out what Turbulence Bus said
2:hell nah that nigga needs help