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We all know why you searched this.

An aquatic animal, a shark you idiot.

by BananaBalloon August 11, 2022


a person who is described as a shark means they have a big nose.

look at that shark over there whole shnoze

by Snapchat me please January 9, 2025


To ferviously look for dope where there may or may not be any, such as on the floor, on the bed sheets, the seats or floorboard of a vehicle.

The dopefiend didn't have money for dope and began to shark on his dealer's floor.

by psm070 May 17, 2018


you came here for a sexual definition didn't you
a shark is a sea creature

Some dude: yo theres a shark
Me: we're cooking sharkfin soup today

by dety7 November 21, 2023


Somebody’s bitch, or a girl that’s always with them.

Yeah me and my shark was out yesterday, bitch not cute but she slobbed me.

by elivvsargas April 14, 2019


not a sex definition fuq u

-did you know sharks live underwater

by stysan May 13, 2023


A scary, mean thing that is huge and will eat anything they see. (Including humans) They usually prey during the day and they love to swim.

A SHARK is very mean.

by Ry-Ry 123 September 1, 2020