A term for a terrible preformance during sex, either in acting (like faking an orgasm) or with doing something very dumb.
You completely Bruce Willis’d that officer, now you’re going to, uh, jail I guess. I wonder what situation someone would even say this in, anyway. Matter of fact I wonder why I expended the effort to type this out. A waste of my time. You probably clicked away halfway through this and if you didn’t it’s because you don’t wanna stop reading any of these posts after you start them. You know what? Exit this tab. Get off of here. Go do something else othef than reading shitty Urban Dictionary definitions. I should. It’s almost 2AM where I’m at. My sleeping pattern is super unhealthy right now, I really shouldnt prolong it by being on my phone right now. I’m gonna get some sleep. Maybe that will help me.
Bruce Willis is an american actor
Wow that movie was great'
yeah it had Bruce Willis in the lead role
After not participating in any type of sexual activity for months, you finally jerk off into a girl’s face with a geyser load so big and powerful it forces her eyeball back into her brain, rendering her socket empty and causing her to wear an eye patch for the rest of her life.
It had been so long since I blew a load when I finally did, I turned Shaquanda into a One Eyed Willy.
One who owns someone and/or licks their willie
How'd it feel getting your willie licked by the willie licker?
The willie licker just licked all your willies!
When something is significantly less than described.
Based on an early 2024 event in Glasgow, Scotland where parents were led to believe they were taking their children to an immersive Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory experience. In reality, it was a mostly bare warehouse with AI-printed decorations. Also, no actual chocolate was provided.
He told me he was a great cook and to come over for dinner. When I got there, it was boxed mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs. It was a real Willy Wonka Experience.
@jozdict on Instagram.
person 1: “you see that dweeb over there listening to music alone”
person 2: “yeah can’t you tell that’s a willy rodriguez fan… @jozdict on Instagram”
person 1: “ew”
person 2: “lol”
a pretty racist dude. don’t fuck with this guy unless you wanna get effed. he’s one of those who like to say, “i ain’t racist but..” don’t mess with him if your an immigrant in home-goods. he could also be an antisemitic nazi…
willy electric: “I ain’t racist but…”
person: “But what, willy?!”