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90's Kid

1. Predominately a term to describe someone who spent a majority of their pre-adolescent childhood in the 1990's. The sweet spot for this definition is people born between the mid-to-late 80's and early 90's. It is often used as a warm, comforting label. This use of the term is also often exploited as a buzz word in clickbait articles, which are written to appeal to the nostalgia of the reader.

2. The term has also more recently been co-opted by slightly younger individuals, and can more broadly be applied to anyone born in the 1990's. (Though people who follow the first definition often disagree with this use of the term.)

1. Greg was born in 1988, and considered himself a real 90's kid. He still has his original Terminator 2 action figures, and used to eat Dunkaroos while watching new episodes of "Batman: The Animated Series" when he was a kid.

2. Steve considered himself a 90's kid because he was born in 1997. Greg did not agree with this, and thought Steve should be considered a "2000's kid," as that's when Steve spent the majority of his childhood.

by TaxiFred January 15, 2020

46👍 19👎

90's kids

A label that a group of snotty people in their mid twenties to early thirties give themselves because in 2016, Buzzfeed did an onslaught of "oNlY nInEtEeZ kIdZ wIlL rEmEmBuUrR tHiIiIsSsS" listicles, following a trend of them, bragging about "how our generation was so much better" and when trends like "the floor is lava" and fidget spinners came along, an outbreak spread of these jerk-offs bashing "the youths" like they were crochety old people, yelling at them to get off their lawn. Now, in 2018-2019, people have finally picked up on how this behaviour is dumb as hell.

90's kid: Hey James, when were you born?
James: 1997

90's kid: Lol, you're generation sucks, you're not like us 90's kids.
James: Suck a fat one, you Bart Simpson wannabe

90's kid: Hey kid, why do you have a fidget spinner? Lol
Billy: I have ADHD, this helps me to calm down
90's kid: Stupid millennial.
Billy: Your mother never loved you.

90's kid: Hey James, I saw Billy with a fidget spinner, what a loser
James: It helps kids with ADHD and autism calm down, you ignorant prick
90's kid: Lmao James, you're one stupid ass millennial
James: Millennials is basically the same as 90's kids, you cuck

Joe: OMG I love Spongebob Squarepants
90's kid: LOL Joe, I was born in 1989, I grew up with Spongebob
Joe: So?
90's kid: You were born in 2000s, you're too young for Spongebob, STFU
Joe: Kids born in the 2010s are growing up with Spongebob, idiot
90's kid: Yeah but Spongebob started in 1999, it's a real 90's kids show
Joe: That's like calling you an 80's kid because you were born in 1989
90's kid: Yeah..but--
Joe: Shut up arsehole, you're more stuck in the 90's than Sonic the Hedgehog
90's kid: Somebody's JEALOUS they weren't BORN IN THE 90'S
James: You know what? Shut the hell up. You think you're SO COOL, being a pretentious bastard about your "prime era kids shows" when there's plenty of new cartoons coming out that are maybe even better than the 90's stuff. You just refuse to watch it and say you hate it because it wasn't made in your glorious decade. Screw you.

by Squidris Elba August 21, 2019

32👍 12👎

90's Kid

A distinct and frequently overlooked cultural micro-generation that exists between Gen-X and Millennial. Those who qualify were typically born between '78 and '84 and experienced most of their middle and high school years, or essentially 'came of age', during the 90's while being immersed in the youth culture of the time.

"I was born in '90-something, I'm such a 90's kid."

"Not exactly, though I understand why you might be confused. You see, 'kid' is a rather open ended term . . . "

"Ugh, stop gate-keeping Rocco's Modern Life"

"I'm not. Everyone can like Rocco's Modern Life. However, considering I'm usually grouped in with Millennials or Gen-Xers, I don't appreciate my generational moniker being hi-jacked by someone because they think it's a cool thing to be able to call themselves. The term 90's kid was used, both by us and to describe us, well before Reddit or Urban dictionary even existed. We were here first, it's ours, you can't have it."

"Umm, do you even know what 'kid' means?"

"Yes, I already . . . do you need me to spell it out? 'Kid' doesn't necessarily mean 'child'. Hell, even 'child' doesn't necessarily mean child. The flower children of the 60's were teenagers, I refuse to believe this has to be explained to you."

"Lalalalala, I can't hear you, cuz I'm such a 90's kiiiiid."

"sigh* . . . . . . fucking Millennials."

-A rough transcription of a conversation I had a few years ago.

by Vorshack August 10, 2020

12👍 10👎

90's kids

Sexy in a cool way. Only applies to those born from 1990 to 1999.

We're sexy; we're 90's kids.

by That dude from Hogan September 11, 2008

106👍 210👎

90's Kid

Someone born in the 90s that claims to remember 90s culture, ignoring that a teenager is still a kid, as kid means young. They believe their teen years in 2000s-2010s, have been ruined by Simon Cowell karaoke,film remakes,reality and money grabbing tv. So they look to the 90s as their favorite decade.They get 90s history from the net,older brothers or sisters hand-me-downs,and the spill of late 90s media into the 2000s.They refuse to compare a teenage schoolkid of the 90s to a teenage 00s kid, as they are also often also a teenager.They ignore the first half of the 90s,claiming it didn't feel like the 90s-as they were too young to remember or not born.So they only see similarities with the 90s and early 2000s.

A '90s kid' has grown into a fad for the under 25s today (not much older than 16), to desperately want to be part of this group. They hold on to the idea that 'kid' can only mean pre-teen. The reality is that a 'kid of a decade' was created by adults,and has always been about people in their most influential time of growing up, from youth into adulthood. This time as a kid is your adolescence. Old enough to take in what the decade offers but young enough to be heavily influenced.
70's kids went to 70's discos, wore 70's clothing, went to 70's concerts, knew the celebrities and news of the time,still young, but they were not born in the 70's and limited to pre-teen culture (eg childrens clothes, toys and cartoons). Likewise with 80s and 90s kids.

John:- 'yeah I'm a 90's kid. I miss the music, when indie bands were great, such asOasis and Blur'
Dave:- 'Nice one. what gigs do u remember the most? I used to go to so many,esp 1994-96'
John:- 'I was in primary school at the time, but my brother told me all about them. Ive got the albums'
Dave:- 'ah ok... cool :) '

by xunonem July 16, 2015

14👍 25👎

90's kids

1) "Kids" born from 1990 to 1999

2) sexy in a cool way.

Lovely is a 90's kids so she's sexy. Apparently so am I.

by kool9521 October 15, 2008

54👍 163👎

90's Cutoff Kid

A child born in 2000 or 2001 that experienced a portion of the 90's before the technology boom (before dial up was a thing of the past).

"I was born in 2000 and I experienced dial up and stuff."

"Ah, so you're a "90's Cutoff Kid." Makes sense."

by Todxrxki February 25, 2021

3👍 4👎