Acronym for Adrian Peterson- a longtime NFL running back known for his cutbacks and avoidance of defenders. Used to describe a technique of shiftiness or evasiveness.
“Dodgin these hoes like I’m AP.”
“I had to change up and leave some niggas behind like I’m AP.”
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A acronym that all students in BOCES Computer Tech, APPARENTLY, need in order to remember two(REALLY EASY to remember words) Access Point(s). This can trick anybody into thinking that AP and the actual full name are different since AP sounds like something from a video game. C'mon there's BP(Battle Points) for one, CP for two, EP for three, AND SO ON! I get why PoE(Power over Ethernet) is an acronym because there are people that would love to shorten three words with Ethernet, a "good" learning requirement, as one of them, but who's LAZY enough to need ACCESS POINT as an acronym. That's BULLS-!
I NEED AP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Audemars Piguet”,Audemars Piguet is a famous luxury watch manufacture from Switzerland.This watch is worn by many artists,rappers and celebrities like jay-z and many other famous celebrities and rappers.This brand can also be quite pricy
“He got that new AP”,”Buss down on this AP”
Or anytime a rapper refers to an AP
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As a military abriviation, this is short for Armour Piercing. As in an Armour Piercing round (bullet) or rocket.
An AP round is designed to penetrate through protctive armour, most AP rounds can even penetrate level 3A protective armour (but may have trouble with gunshields) AP rounds are nicknamed "greenies" by the guys in my PLT because of the dab of green paint on the tip to indicate it's an AP round.
An AP rocket (for example, an AP FFAR) is designed to pentrate the armour of heavy armoured vehicles (tanks) as a sole purpose.
"We've got multiple suspects in paramilitary gear, full body armour, so everyone load up with AP rounds"
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Asian Pussy. An analogy: asian girls are to girls, as asian pussy is to asian girls.
Person 1: Yo, you going to study for your AP exams tonight?
Person 2: Yeah, I was planning on going to Rachel's house, but I'm more interested in the other kind of AP.
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The adjective used to describe something so awful that you blank on how you normally describe something and somehow stumble upon calling it Ass Pussy (AP).
"Hey Nick, how was your date last night?"
"Dawg it was so bad and like very awkward oh my goodness I felt so bad the whole time. It was some uh, uh, some AP man."
"Some AP?"
"Ass Pussy bro"
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