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Special Weapons And Tactics

SWAT teams are situated in large cities, but some organisations (like the FBI) have similer teams.

SWAT is somewhat a police special forces, handling situations too dangerous for normal police officers. Such as multiple armed suspects, barricaded armed suspects, hostage situations, among others.

Side note: although the cops in america seem crooked, the police in england are polite, friendly, and helpful.

"Talk, we need SWAT in here, multiple suspects armed with automatic weapons on the corner of 12th and main"

"10-1 but acknowledged"

by MarineJulio April 7, 2005

461πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž


Military abrieviation for Close Air Support.

CAS runs are usually made by gunship helicopters, the first CAS runs were made with UH-1 Iroquois Huey helicopters fitted with rocket pods and grenade launchers, the AH-1 Cobra series helicopter has been used from vietnam to current date for CAS roles.

Other helicopters can provide CAS, AH-6 littlebirds, AH-64 Apaches and AH-60 Blackhawk gunships can be used to provide CAS.

Note the lettering in the chopper names, the H mean helicopter, A means assault/attack, U means utility/transport.

"We got a Cobra inbound on a CAS run to light up the tree line, after all the FFARs have hit we move in."

by MarineJulio April 6, 2005

128πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Heat has several meanings as a word and one as an abriviation.

Heat as a slang term is commonly used to describe a weapon of some kind, usually a pistol. "You packing heat?"

Heat as in heat generated by an exothermic reaction is an increase in energy of particles causing them to move/vibrate more rapidly, in some materials this can cause electricity to flow more easily, for materials to melt then evaporate.

When an animal "goes into heat" they are at their most sexually active and reproductive time of the year, this would usually occur during the "mating season" of the particular animal.

As a military abrieviation, HEAT means High Explosive Anti Tank. This is a rocket or other explosive missile/shell designed to penetrate through a tracked vehicles armour before detonating it's explosive charge to disable/destroy the target. (For those of you wondering, there is such a thing as "low explosive")

"Hostile armour spotted, load up a HEAT round, let's take it out."

by MarineJulio April 6, 2005

928πŸ‘ 262πŸ‘Ž


As a military abriviation, this is short for Armour Piercing. As in an Armour Piercing round (bullet) or rocket.

An AP round is designed to penetrate through protctive armour, most AP rounds can even penetrate level 3A protective armour (but may have trouble with gunshields) AP rounds are nicknamed "greenies" by the guys in my PLT because of the dab of green paint on the tip to indicate it's an AP round.

An AP rocket (for example, an AP FFAR) is designed to pentrate the armour of heavy armoured vehicles (tanks) as a sole purpose.

"We've got multiple suspects in paramilitary gear, full body armour, so everyone load up with AP rounds"

by MarineJulio April 6, 2005

71πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


As Soon As Possible

Originally a military term dating back to WW1 when abreviations were being used everywhere,

ASAFP may also be used when the speaker is distressed, making it "as soon as fucking possible"

"I need some fucking CAS runs in here ASAP, get some fucking cobras down here NOW and fuck up those goddamn T72s"

by MarineJulio April 5, 2005

757πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž


Folding Fin Aerial Rocket

These unguided rockets are usually fired from tubes inside cylindrical "FFAR pods", after firing the fins flip out to keep the rocket trajectory stable so it hits the intended target.

FFARs come in a variety of different ordnance, HEAT, AP, Flechette among others.

"3rd PLT got outgunned by some T62s but an AH-64D just swooped over slamming FFARs and wasted the whole armour column in a single run, some awesome shit man"

by MarineJulio April 6, 2005

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

donkey thump

When you donkeythump someone, you fuck them in the ass and when you're about to blow your load you whack them on the back of the head so they clench. I have experience with this myself.

I donkeythump, therefore I am, although have been donkeythumped myself several times

by MarineJulio May 5, 2004

20πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž