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African American

Another retarded Americanism which only displays the ignorance of the American mindset...

I'm a white person living in Africa. I guess I can call myself a American-African?

Dave: Hey my African American friend! :D
Billy: Shut up, I have never been to Africa in my life.

by Sanoz0r November 17, 2006

754๐Ÿ‘ 708๐Ÿ‘Ž

African American

1)African American - generic terms for black people in America.
2) People who are being screwed by the government despite getting free money to attend college. Most of the grants that are given to African American are not full rides, so stop thinking they are. Also subject to predatory loans and Redlining.
3) Victims of Institutional Racism

1) Oh look at the African American over there with his pants hanging down!

2) College board : " well congrats Drake, you've gotten our

Martin Luther King Grant."
Drake " Cool how much is it ?"
College Board : " $ 1,000"Drake " What?! It costs $5,000 to go here!"
College Board : " Sorry that the best we could do. you African American people never appreciate anything"
Drake " Damn honkeys, well i guess its time to call Sallie Mae"
2b) Realtor: " yes miss Jones i found you a place. "

Jones : " Okay thanks, where at?"

Realtor : " meet me and i ll show you "

Jones and Realtor go to location :

J : its all run down

R : Well it because your a high risk

J : Why because I'm African American ?
R : " exactly "

J : though isnt that illegal

R : nope its called redlining.
3 ) Fill out job applicaton to a office. Go in for an interview, they tell you to wait a couple of days and they 'll call you. You never get the call so you call back only to hear them say were sorry we were going to hire because of your resume but them when you came in for an interview we decided against it. "Why ?" hold on a second was it like because of something i said ?

Nope its because your African American

by BlackGrad11 August 1, 2011

76๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

African American

A politically correct term used in the United States for a black person. A black person could be 100% English but still be called African American by an American, even though they're neither African nor American.

American: "Look, it's an African American!"
Englishman: "I'm English, you dumbarse."

by Jimmy Kickarse October 15, 2006

553๐Ÿ‘ 578๐Ÿ‘Ž

African American

An ethnicity (not a race) that is equivalent to "Asian American" or "Latino/Hispanic American" and is used to designate the population descended from enslaved Africans in the US (and sometimes the Americas in general). It is not synonymous or interchangeable with "black" which is a racial category and may include African Americans (formerly Afro-Americans or American Negroes), Afro-Caribbean people, Afro-Latino people, or any other group that may be racially defined as black. The choice to identify as African American has nothing to do with nationality or race, but with a unique cultural heritage that developed in the US. Therefore, the critique that African Americans are not "African" because they were not born in Africa is irrelevant and as nonsensical as saying that a 10th generation Asian American is not Asian because they weren't born there- the titles are meant to recognize recent origins, current cultural practices, and identities that are distinct from mainstream white American culture (although its forms are often appropriated by mainstream white American culture).

White person who's terrified of difference and of really thinking about history because it means she has to acknowledge that her ancestors were pricks: "You're no more African than I am European."
African American: "That's true but the implications of someone looking at us and guessing that my ancestors were African and that yours were European are pretty freakin different, asshole. Read a history book and maybe you'll figure out why."

by reading_rainbow February 27, 2012

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

African American

A word white people use because theyre afraid if they call black people "Black" they'll be offended. Even though black people call white people white. Just a stupid term that blacks are forced to put up with. It seems like a disrespectful term to me though, because it makes it seem like black people are not Americans, white people are just americans, yet blacks are "African Americans" not just plain americans.

White Dude: "He's African American."
Black Dude: "Mother Fucker you gon call me an African American, im from jamaica."
White Dude: "I just didnt want to offend you."
Black Dude: "Ok then, im gon call you a German American."
White Dude: "Im from Norway."
Black Dude: "Exactly!"
Black Dude: "Us "African Americans" are gon call you white people European Americans from now on."

by TheDogIsOut June 4, 2008

346๐Ÿ‘ 374๐Ÿ‘Ž

African American

A controversial and failing attempt to euphemize an identity phrase for Black Americans. Unfortunately for the phrase's potential to be literally correct, all humans came from Africa at one time, therefore all people, regardless of breed, color, ethnicity or however one may choose to categorize them, are of African descent. Another problem the more-educated population has with the phrase is that the quickest way to know which specific type of African American one is referring to is to look at their skin. This takes the subject of conversation back to black, eliminating the function of the euphemistic-intentioned phrase. Due to it's failure to positively convey the identity of the Black American without error, the phrase has evolved into a dysphemism and is often spoken between air quotes.

Correct: Aboriginal Australians are black, and many of African emmigrants are black, but African Americans range in color as far as human potential has seen.

Incorrect: Jesse Jackson is an African American but Richard Nixon is not.

by Ruhbee! April 25, 2007

310๐Ÿ‘ 364๐Ÿ‘Ž

African American

A Black person of African descent who is now an American Native. Many African Americans are Black and European threw slavery, hints, the Tran Atlantic Slave trade. Some, African Americans not all can identify will being biracial.

Black Americans who are citizens or residents of the U.S. who have origins in any of the Black populations of Africa and or Europe. They are African American or can be considered Black European. /Paraphrased from UrbanDictionaryUser - Act Right/

by ThatAfricanAmericanGuy March 11, 2019

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