Source Code


1: Displaying persistent game.
2: Embodying the term Player
3: (Alternative: Derisive/Sarcastic) A man who is gamey (stinks)

Word derivation: A-Male-Game-Ous
A male with much game

"Yeah, that amalgamous cat's got a new girl every week."
"If I could only realize my dreams of being an amalgamous jerk maybe she would love me!"

Alternate: "Oh, honey, you're wayyyy to amalgamous for me! Maybe if you showered..."

by Vthepinkish November 9, 2010

5👍 31👎

Amalgam feeling

The Amalgam feeling is a feeling you get in your stomach that makes you feel a bit sick, this feeling commonly occurs when you are roleplaying, and are very invested in that roleplay.

Oh Kitty i have the amalgam feeling again

by RoseIsNotMyRealNameDealWithIt May 15, 2017

Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam

Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam or Al/Pd/GaInSn is something that can be used for an alternative to toxic Aluminum Mercury amalgam for reductive amination. Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone and Methylamine in Ethanol in a Carbon Dioxide inert atmosphere can be reduced to Propylhexedrine (Cyclohexyl-2-AminoPropane) and filter 90% of the Aluminum Hydroxide Al(OH)3 Ethanol water Propylhexedrine solution through a Buchner funnel with Zeolite careful not to spill over Palladium Galinstan amalgam, then add everclear to the remaining 10% in the round bottom flask, then filter 90% and you got 99% of Propylhexedrine ethanol water solution. Dry with Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate, filter through Buchner funnel, pour in a beaker, then bubble dry HCl gas through the Propylhexedrine freebase to acid salt (Acid Salting) the Propylhexedrine into Propylhexedrine HCl salt. Palladium Galinstan is reusable for Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam reductive amination. Temperature 20°C to 30°C and reaction time 24 hours. Al/Pd/GaInSn .

Tony: I put 100g Galinstan (69g Gallium + 21g Indium + 10g Tin) and 50mg Palladium shot in a crucible and added 100g Aluminum foil to make Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam. I used Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam to do reductive amination on Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone Methylimine in ethanol in a Carbon Dioxide inert atmosphere to make Propylhexedrine. Then bubble HCl for Propylhexedrine HCl and clean it with Anhydrous Acetone to get rid of excess HCl. Temperature 20°C to 30°C and reaction time 24 hours.

by HawaiianPunch1 October 12, 2024


A type of creature that takes form of 2 or more monsters/humans by how much of power/determation they have, they have been in the lab of why they can't wake up, the syringe that was used made them worse than normal.

Corotomb:*slowly melting to the floor*
Coroate:*walked to her to end up forming with her*
Corotombate:*now a Amalgamate that is feared on monster kind*

by Blooarsinare/Corotombate April 7, 2021


A mixture or a blend of various features.

A platypus is an amalgam of a bizarre and unique features.

by TheOneYouDontSee January 21, 2022

Aluminum Galinstan amalgam plus Palladium on Carbon

Aluminum Galinstan amalgam plus Palladium on Carbon is Aluminum Galinstan amalgam (25g to 100g Aluminum + 100g Galinstan) plus 500mg of Palladium on Carbon is something that can be used for an alternative to toxic Aluminum Mercury amalgam for reductive amination. Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone and Methylamine in Ethanol in a Carbon Dioxide inert atmosphere can be reduced to Propylhexedrine (Cyclohexyl-2-AminoPropane) and filter 90% of the Aluminum Hydroxide Ethanol water Propylhexedrine solution through a Buchner funnel with Zeolite careful not to spill over Palladium Galinstan amalgam, then add everclear to the remaining 10% in the round bottom flask, then filter 90% and you got 99% of Propylhexedrine ethanol water solution. Dry with Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate, filter through Buchner funnel, pour in a beaker, then bubble dry HCl gas through the Propylhexedrine freebase to acid salt (Acid Salting) the Propylhexedrine into Propylhexedrine HCl salt. Palladium Galinstan is reusable for Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam reductive amination.

Tony: I used Aluminum Galinstan amalgam plus Palladium on Carbon to synthesize Propylhexedrine from Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone Methylimine. Al/GaInSn + Pd/C . Al/Pd/GaInSn . Alternative to Al/Hg .

by HawaiianPunch1 October 12, 2024


Another way of explaining the unexplainable, such as Entrepreneur.

Oh what an irony it is to be the contradiction know as the Amalgamator.

by Vin Nguyen May 23, 2017