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anal leakage

The rupturing of the colon caused by wayyyyy to much butt-fucking. It usually results from several extended, rough, savage anal encounters

God, my anal leakage is really acting up after my stay in the joint.

by ljas December 10, 2005

34👍 55👎

anal leakage

when you are trying really hard not to shit all over yourself, but a little ends up coming out and then BAM!! you end ups shitting everywhere as it all runs down your leg. Usually results in uncleanable pants and underwear.

--man, last night i had to shit so bad that i had anal leakage everywhere.
--that suks man.
--i know. and it was in front of my girlfriend too! shes not my girlfriend anymore...

by AlwaysBord April 10, 2007

33👍 56👎

anal leakage

it is when your ass leaks fluids from cum to piss

hahaha you have a anal leakage

by insanesniperx August 4, 2005

34👍 60👎

Anal leakage

when you have fluids semen, water or other liquids flowing out of the anus

Austin Derby: i have to have a glass of anal leakage every morning to wake me up
Cody Reed:.....

by table pounder October 2, 2011

15👍 32👎

anal leakage

fuck a girl raw in the ass causeing her to bleed then bust inside her squeeze her ass cheecks togethor which will cause all of it to flow out therfore producing the anal leakage.

she had some extreme anal leakage I busted in her 3 times

by Sosa69 February 2, 2008

20👍 50👎

anal butt leakage

Anal Butt Leakage (ABL) is a substance that leaks out of the butt hole and causes the person who has this condition to have to wipe several times a day without pooping. People can often smell it and can be very embarassing at times.

Oh man, my anal butt leakage is acting up again, I had to wipe three times today and I haven't pooped yet.

by Jared Sunshine October 13, 2007

20👍 8👎

Anal Leakage

What happens after a night of extreme anal with or without inserting two or more items inside your anal hole.

Tim: "Oh no I think I'm getting anal leakage again"
Mason: "Wow Tim this happening everyday you have to take it easy on the Moby Huge"
Tim: "Oh no it's about to come out!"
Mason: "Tim nooooooo!"

by 21Sluggums March 6, 2018