A typical Swedish alcoholic. Will be sitting around on them wooden benches in parks, drinking cheap beer and casually singing some of "Bellmans visor". An Andersson used to be a successful man though. Good looking, fantastic grades etc. But hey, watch out all you Anderssons. You're all going down.
"Alltså den där Mahmood kommer sluta som en typisk Andersson".
Ruby Coombes' dad. Dont ask questions.
Wow i swear thats Ed Andersson? Yeah him and ruby cant stay off eachother
Kevin Andersson is an alias for his real name Punjat. Punjat is a unique breed in Indian ancestry and is considered one of the smelliest guys in his hometown, Årsta, Sweden.
”Kevin Andersson is just a cover. His real name is Punjat A.K.A the smelly one”
Bosse Anderson is the legendary guy on the picture in Kunskapsskolan. When you see him you start to sweat, his sexyness creeps into your body and paralizes you.
Oh? Is'nt it BOSSE ANDERSSON!!!!11111one1!!11!!
Men det rör ju på sig!
The artist and god in the could of MOUKN, known for:
- Being in the picture in the hall of KS
- Being a legendary artist
nämen är det BOSSE ANDERSSON
d rör ju på sig!