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Baby cakes

Someone who you don’t date but have certain feelings for and more than likely have amazing sex even thought you might already have a partner.

Sarah says Brandon is her baby cakes even though she is with Tom! Oh wow they must be having very secretive sex!

by Unauthorizeduzerr March 20, 2020

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Baby Cake

cheeks of a young woman's or girl's ass; buttocks

In the movie "Tilt," Brooke Sheilds had her character's name embroidered over each denimed baby cake.

by Tummy AuGratin February 24, 2006

72πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

baby cakes

β€’Cakes made by babies
β€’Cakes made from babies
β€’A pet name for a partner.

1) These babycakes aren't even cooked! It's just dough with handprints on it.

2) John: These baby cakes are delicious! What's the secret ingredient?

Stuart: Well I hung arounf an abortion clinic claiming that I was collecting foetuses for embryonic stem cell research.

John: *spits out cake*

by Gumba Gumba August 4, 2004

146πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

Baby cake

The smashed up poo left in a baby's diaper.

Hey baby could you get rid of these smelly baby cakes for me?

by The Chode September 30, 2017

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

baby cakes

The person Molly wants to fuck up the bum

Hey Baby cakes,

by light2004 March 9, 2018

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

baby cakes

Boobs, breasts, tits, waggamommas

Do you mind if i lick custard off your babycakes?

by matt-leics July 24, 2004

61πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž

baby cakes

A notorious gang operating out of Charleston, SC, "Baby Cakes" is an undercover opporation dedicated composed of two girls and one guy who meet in the dead of night to dispose of children.

Their gathering are referred to as "Baby Smack Parties" being so named for the groups practice of "baby smacking" which involves repeatedly smashing a baby against a hard object of some sort.

Sk8or Boi: "Do you wanna have another baby smack party tonight?"
Izze: "My place at 12?"
Olive the Magical Pizza: "Sounds like a plan! Baby cakes is in for another night of pure delight if you now what I mean"

*scnadalous/mysterious eyebrow wiggling ensues from all three*

by FantasticalityReincarnate September 14, 2014

11πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž