Source Code

tripping balls

The state of having an excess of Pokeballs.

I've got so many Pokeballs I don't know what to do with them! I'm fucking tripping balls! Ask Oak!

Bitch be tripping balls!

by Stephen W123 April 1, 2008

1472πŸ‘ 857πŸ‘Ž

tripping balls

A state of mind where one accepts that reality is no longer present, thoughts no longer make sense and that for the next couple of hours many absurd occurences will take place. It is achieved when the individual surrenders to the madness generated by their brain to the extent where they are almost revelling in it, despite how utterly ridiculous things have become.

The state is brought on by consuming drugs with visually brain-mangling psychedelic effects.

If said with a smile, one can assume the user is in a state of blissful confusion and wonder - but if said with a look of fear, one can assume the user is terrified and extremely paranoid.

<Steve> Dave, you alright?
* Dave is looking around at things with a look of extreme interest and happiness on his face.
<Pete> I'm tripping balls mate!

<Steve> How about you Pete?
* Pete is shuddering, wide-eyed, and looking incredibly sketched out.
<Pete> I'm tripping balls mate...

by Strachanman January 17, 2010

55πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

trip balls

to hallucinagate when on mushrooms

i can't wait till this weekend, i'm getting my shrooms and i'm going to trip balls

by Anonymous November 15, 2002

102πŸ‘ 206πŸ‘Ž

Tripping balls

When you get super high off of weed or some other drug that makes you think that your in another world

Me: (takes shit load of mushrooms)
😾 β˜„οΈπŸŒ
πŸ™€ πŸŒ›
(9 months later)
Nibba: Yo dude what the fuck are u doin?
Me: I just saw the moon destroy a giant cat and then it started fucking a star and gave birth to a half moon
Nibba: nibba. The fuck are u talkin bout man. You must’ve been tripping balls on those shrooms u got
Me: I’m tellin u it happened

by Dubiks May 16, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tripped balls

when you are extremely disoriented be it from drugs or just exhaustion. The world becomes one big ball of confusion and colors just pop out

I took some medicine and when I woke up the room was closing in on me, I tripped balls dude!

by bubblehdumplins May 24, 2009

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

tripping balls

To smoke a joint or drop a tab, and then stick your leg out into a crowded interesection, interfering with the path of any testicals that may be walking past - thus causing them to fall over.

-Lars sticks his foot out without noticing that a pair of testicals are stampeding across the road. They run into it and fall over, spilling semen everywhere-

by Niggadicks January 6, 2008

69πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž

Tripping balls

To become so high as to feel as if one is losing the binding connection between the reality of earth and ones testicles.

"How you feeling bro?" ...."Tripping balls"

by StellarHexapus June 5, 2017

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