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Christian Death Metal

Should never exist, a couple of punk-ass kids that think they're cool but still are the boy toy of some priest. Death Metal and any sort of "Religion" what-so-ever should never coincide, it's just cheap ass subliminal messaging, which would anger any non-poser metal crowd.

Jimmy: Oh boy, have you listened to that new cd by <insert Christian Death Metal album here>

Billy: Yeah I love listening to that while my preacher bends me over and spanks me with a bible.

by Awesomesaucetasticsauce. September 22, 2008

79๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Death Metal

Here is my response to Christian Death Metal article, by a guy that promotes it, AgeOfVengeance. My response is as follows: Everyone knows that Death Metal and Black Metal were founded against all religions in every single way, so mixing the two does not work. I have an idea of what we can do to these so called "metal christians", go back to the time of Nero, an anti-christian emperor of Rome, and cover them in tar, light them on fire and use them as lighting for the Wacken open-air festival. Then we will see if their "god" will save them then. Afterwards we could use their barbequed flesh as food for the other christian human stage lights. But I digress, as you might have noticed I have left the "G" in god and "C" in christianity lower case I do this because it is blasphemous. This type of music is almost as horrible as rap, if not worse. If you have noticed 95% of christian black and death metal are Western, from the western hemishpere were North and South America lie, so they need to travel to Europe and get their asses kicked on a nightly basis. We wonder why most of our fellow European Metalheads do not have a very high opinion of Western music for the most part. But here are a few of the holes in his one-sided theory:
1) By "*some*" he means most because all of the true death metal is anti-religion of any type.
2) This guy uses swear words every other word. True christians do not use foul language.
3) I know I am a dick I am not a friendly person.
4) I dont go on and on about how anti-christian I am, I go on and on about how much I am against all organized religion I am. Get it right Asshole!
5) I dont have my head shoved up my ass, if I could reach that far I would never leave the house because because my head definitley would not be up my ass it would somewhere else.
6) He claims that people like me don't know the first thing about metal. My first step-dad was convicted of grave-robbing, how metal of a crime is that? Also, metal was the only type of music I knew existed for the first 11 years of my life.
7) What he probably does'nt know is that Lamb of God's original name was Burn The Priest, also Randy Blythe, the lead singer, is against christianity.
8) The lead singer of Deicide, Glen Benton has an inverted crucifix branded on his forehead I think that diqualifies him from being a "fucktard" whatever in the hell that is supposed to be.
9) If one of these "fucktards" did go have sex with a sheep it would't be seen as something derogatory it would be seen as promotional and would get the band noticed. 10) Atheist have been around longer than christians, "christian haters" have been around since the creation of christianity hence the christian genocide that went on in ancient Rome.
11) christians have not fought harder than any other army because other non-christian armies have conguered more area and had richer empires than any christian empire. Example, the Mongolian Empire, and the Chinese Empire.
12) They are not "meaner" than anyone in any respect true christians say they have no intention of being "mean" against anyone. But one thing that does stick out in my mind is that Anton LaVey tought that if anyone bothers you ask them nicely to quit, then if thy don't destroy them. Also true christians by nature would rather forgive than to fight.
13) Non christians have been more persecuted for their beliefs than any other type of religion, thats why they had the crusades, the burning times, and the Salem witch trials.
14) That is another reason why I am anti-religion because he says "We're right." There is as much evidence to support Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, etc. as there is to support that this christian "god" exists, who's right no one knows for sure.
15) Most bands do not think they are badass because they hate "god" and wave around inverted crucifixes, they do it for show and to display their own personal beliefs.
16) We scream our "angsty shit views about god" because of guys like who I am writing in response to.
17) Any christian who smashes anyone's skull is commiting the ultimate sin, killing another human being, so even if they did who would get the last laugh then because if Hell is a real place that is where they would be sent and "Satan" would just love to his hands on a christian who killed somene for not being a christian.
18) Then his deifinition is just crazy because if anything the "good lil' christian boys" would get their asses kicked in a true death metal mosh pit.
So as you see I hope I have enlightened a few individuals and dis-spelled some this guys lies, which is another sin I may add.

Christian Death Metal . sucks

by Orlok January 25, 2007

65๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Death metal

Fans of the best genre of music out there - Deathmetal.

Contrary to what some other dumbass fucktards have said in here, deathmetal and Christianity do not clash - some basic concepts held by *some* deathmetal bands may be anti-christian, but as far as metal goes, deathmetal tends to be about the state of fucked-ness the world is in, due to human fuck ups, and corruption (which no Christian denies).

All the dicks who decide to go on and on about how anti-christian they are, are mostly just faggot wannabe's, who're trying to get some friends, have their heads lodged up their asses, dont have a fucking clue about what they're claiming to stand for (fucking bandwagon jumping pussies) and dont know the first thing about metal.

(I can respect bands like Lamb of God for their musical talent,and *love* their music, without some of their lyrics having any meaning for me, or affecting my beliefs. Other bands like deicide though, which are just a bunch of musically untalented fucktards, who wanna talk shit about christianity - can go fuck a goat).

All the dickheaded satanists, or atheists, or christian-haters out there, need to realize one thing. We've been around longer than you, we've fought harder and more viciously than you (yeah, we can and have / do fight for our beliefs, all the time, physically and otherwise). We are meaner then you, we are stronger than you, we can take more punishment than you, and above all. We're right.

So all you little bitches who think you're badass by waving around your upside-down crosses, or by screaming your little angsty shit views about God - come get some, we'll crush your fucking skulls.

Satanist_reject: Haha, good lil' Christian boys, I'm with the antichrist, what you gonna do?

Hardcore_Christian: *breaks the fags arm, throws him in the mosh pit and dives on him* Real tough man, bring it on faggot, the devil is a nerdy cocksucker

(Christian Death metal rules hard, it's just normal deathmetal, except the dudes are screaming Christian lyrics every so often)

by AgeOfVengeance April 4, 2006

121๐Ÿ‘ 287๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Death Metal

Death metal with all the metal taken out of it, in order to make it palatable for the faithful, duped masses who think their tyrannical god cares what lyrics somebody else growls into a microphone.

Why believe in a such a petty dickhead of a god? Probably because they're too stupid to actually listen to the lyrics of real death metal and understand why the bands are speaking out against small-minded religious idiots.

Jonboy: Hey, wanna listen to some Mortification? It's Christian Death Metal! They use lyrics which are friendly to God!

Bill-bo: Shut the fuck up, and listen to Bloodbath, that's real metal.

by Air-Zee June 27, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Death Metal

A genre of music that combines the Death Metal sound and theme with Christian beliefs and morals. Their aim is to praise Jesus Christ and the Lord. However, the mixture of these two themes often get mixed up and as a result end up offending the very people they are trying to renew the faith of.

One of the leading bands from this genre, Mutilating God's Angels, often offend the priests they want to entertain. An example of this is "Fatal Whipping of that Jesus Cunt" and "Watch that Fucker on the Cross die sloowwwllyy".

All in all, the only flaw on this genre is that are at least trying to praise god (They say this in all their interviews) and any music that mentions god or Jesus in any way that isnโ€™t meant to be incredibly blasphemous should not be heard by impressionable minds in case they become Christian and burn down our science labs. Real music isnโ€™t about musical ability or expressing feeling or a message. Music is what you listen to while youโ€™re smashing someoneโ€™s face with a coke bottle. Death to God!

Lyrics to God's Messenagers 'Baby Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt'
"The fucking bitch pushed that kid from her cunt, and her blood and her guts came out with him too, Jesus Christ was born that day, To lead us all a different way, by cutting up the sinners and eating thier flesh. Jesus hates you! Jesus hates you!"

Lyrics to Bloody Scriptures 'Jesus Speaks'
"โ€œI will eat your childrenโ€™s insides and use their skin to cover my lair I have created from virgin bones / I'll rape your daughter and rip out their eyes and mutilate you worthless drones."

by Real Gangsta in da House July 16, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Death Metal

you cant believe in the death metal philosophy and folow chistianity at least in theary
i dont even like death metal really but i thought this would be helpfull!

Hot topic poseur: hey sence that kids listening to that cd which tells you to be christian im gonna buy the cd then buy a bible and read it to fit in.
metal and hardcore and punk were started to break away from structurnot to puch ideals on others

by mike July 24, 2004

30๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Death

What a load of pretentious crap. When I was a teenager I used to think this band was so fucking cool. Now Iโ€™m older and a lot more rational and itโ€™s hard not to pick up on the cringe and pretentiousness of it all. Rozz Williams was no genius. Just a poor manโ€™s Robert Smith.

Christian Death were lame as fuck.

by WorseThanHitler December 4, 2020