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Critical Race Theory

Or CRT or Can’t be Responsible for Themselves Is the theory based on being a victim at all times. This theory perpetuates the idea of being lesser and will never bring one to the realization that only they, themselves, can be their own salvation. See Free Will.

Man Critical Race Theory is just another way of keeping us down. FACTS.

by CKing31 November 24, 2021

123👍 74👎

Critical Race Theory

The latestbogeyman” for conservatives.

Conservative: Now I have noet the closest idea as to what critical race theory is, but I sure as hell HATE ITZ GUTTZZZ!!!!!

by Spicyspectrum July 21, 2021

3029👍 80133👎

Critical Race Theory

A tactic used by many African Americans that ignores their own culture and their inability to maintain a stable functioning society. They view everything through a racial perspective.

The critical race theory is taught in schools today and the scary fact is that the Democrats are all for it.

by MrTrayBorrosInCo January 16, 2022

954👍 60👎

Critical Race Theory

A hybrid scholarly/activist approach that seeks to read ‘systemic racism’ into every racial disparity (specifically, those where Black people are at a disadvantage), along with advocacy of policies to redistribute income, wealth, legal rights & privileges, and political power. These are intended to equalize outcomes for Blacks and Whites in relation to those selected disparities.

The main ‘method of inquiry’ employed in CRT is its creative use of language, selective examples, and the redefinition of familiar terms that you thought were well-settled. These serve to catastrophize racial disparities, close down lines of inquiry that may lead to non-racialized explanations, and hence to convey a strong moral compulsion to accept CRT’s redistributive policies.

Only one way to get woke bro - study Critical Race Theory. It’s all the rage in today’s colleges and mainstream media. Even the Army is on it now!

by May 24, 2021

111👍 414👎

Critical Race Theory

Taught ONLY in law school, you idiot.

Critical Race Theory is mostly a Republican dog whistle meant to scare uneducated white parents

by Soul_Driver November 5, 2021

226👍 19776👎

Critical Wealth Theory

An academic theory that proposes that because money is a social construct, the wielder of this knowledge can somehow change their socio-economic status or identity through self-identifying as something different.

Individuals who identify themselves whithing this theory are often refered to as Income Non-Binary.

Gurl 1: You can't afford that Stacy!

Stacy: Did you just assume my income!?

Gurl 1: We have the same job Stacy, I know exactly what you earn!!

Stacy: Wealth is a social construct. You need to free your self from those repressive expressions.

Gurl 1: Here we f** go again!

Stacy: You really need to read those papers I sent you on Critical Wealth Theory. It will change the way you see money forever.

Gurl 1: Sure Stacy, whatever you say!

by Curious Beast March 17, 2023

Critical Race Theory

Critical race theory (CRT) is a legal and sociological framework for analyzing how racial power relations in society work to maintain unequal socioeconomic outcomes for people of different racial groups, often in such a way that benefits the dominant racial group at the expense of marginalized racial groups. Beyond merely analyzing racial power relations, CRT also seeks to actively change the status quo to allow for a more equitable society for people of all racial groups.


CRT has been influenced by fields such as Critical legal studies and Feminist legal theory and began in the 1970s when scholars and activists sought to understand why the social progress from the civil rights era had seemingly stagnated.

Scholars and authors:

Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Jean Stefancic, Alan Freeman, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams.

Assertions and terminology:
(1) Systemic racism is the default and perpetual state of affairs in society.

(2) Race is a social construct that arose as a means by which to further expand class stratification.
(3) White people have benefited the most from civil rights legislation.

(4) Color blindness perpetuates racial inequality.

(5) Whiteness as property.
(6) Interest Convergence.
(7) Storytelling/Counter-Storytelling.

Disclaimer: These are just the arguments made by proponents of CRT, not universal absolute truth.

Person 1: "Have you heard that they're trying to implement Critical race theory into the k-12 curriculum? How do you feel about it?"

Person 2: "I have heard of it. But since I am not especially educated on the topic of CRT, I think it's best for me to withhold judgement before making irrational and erroneous claims about a concept that I can't even adequately define.

by Shnook May 24, 2021

141👍 3340👎