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A Dawson is someone who can make you fall in love with just a slight smirk and a sideways glance. Nothing can describe how beautiful his sparkling blue eyes and golden brownish blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight and how his cute little smile could quite literally cure cancer. A Dawson is someone who knows how to use his looks to his advantage, he'll never admit it, but he thinks he's model-status, and most of the time he is. But he can also be kind of a douche bag, but nonetheless, he's one of the best people you will ever lay your eyes on or meet.

Person: hey! Did you see that cute guy walking by?
Other Person: Yeah! He must be a Dawson!

by Wizzoward February 14, 2019

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A all around awesome person with, if you have one in your life you need to be nice to him. There perfect eyes and smile is outstanding, they are usually short but are mighty. Dawson's are the best at sports. People think they are bad people but are really great... nice sweet and a perfect person for girls.

Girl: oh my god that's a Dawson go talk to him

by lilD124 March 2, 2021

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Some kid who likes fortnite and chews his fat thick jacket lace when he is bored

guy: Yo look at dawson hes chewing his jacket lace
other guy: who the fudge cares

by xdgangforlife October 29, 2018

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A Dawson is very out going. He won’t let anything stop him from achieving his goals. He’s very tall, and might make fun of you if you’re short. He is very funny. Once you’ve got him never let him go, he will make a great partner

Did you see Dawson with her today I’m so jealous

by Creeper_Crusher December 4, 2018

38πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Someone who was in the friend zone for a while, then was rejected about 4 or 5 times, then he either came to his senses, or him and whoever he liked started dating. But if you end up liking a Dawson, keep him, and tell him how you feel, and shoot, who knows he may like you back.

Friend: I think I like Dawson, but I think he likes someone else.
You: Just go for it, maybe your the one he likes.

by wannabemj November 10, 2020

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A first love, a "soulmate", like the boy who lives down the street, boy who you loved or dated throughout high school or adolescence, etc. Derives from title character of Dawson's Creek, the TV series.

"Oh, my highschool sweetheart...he was my Dawson..."

by blob6 October 6, 2009

710πŸ‘ 423πŸ‘Ž


The sweetest person you will ever meet in your life. He is extremely cute and adorable. He is country. And everybody wants him. He is an amazing person.

He is such a dawson

by Random child October 5, 2014

188πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž