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This is Deakin The king of mortals final form, once in this form he can destroy galaxys and grow bigger than a planet and then destroy said planet. There is pretty much no limit to what he can achieve in this form however he has never used this form and doesn’t have any experience using it in order for him to achieve this form humanity must break the 5 strikes once all 5 strikes are crossed Deakin will destroy the entire multiverse of existence unless some one can defeat him in a one on one match of 2 square but the chances of winning are impossible. He is also able to achieve this form by eating Salt and Vinegar chips the secret sauce of his power what ever you do. Don’t test him.

Omega Deakin will destroy all
There is no escape from Omega Deakin

by LucasStone February 18, 2019


Deakin had large pp and is very smart and gets all the ladies, he is always got a girl but is into the male gender..

Deakin also means I’m slang word “what’s goodie bro” or “what Santa bring you for Christmas dude”

Deakin was up in the crib the other night

by Josephine krowkowskie November 25, 2021


A person that is selfish and an a little bit of a narcissist but also very funny

“Did he just stare at himself in the mirror for an hour

“That’s just Deakin”

by flabahwabahngoongar November 23, 2021


deakin is a guy that likes slaying pussy

deakin is such a pussy slayer

by tobynator_the_mastorbator November 3, 2022



Deakin stop going into creative mode

by Jamaican Sensation 77777778 September 19, 2019

Deakin Esposito

The type of bloke you may consider The Triple B.

He is a good bloke and has a fetish for Nachos

Deakin: Got any Nachos?
Some bloke: No. Deakin Esposito, No

by Mad_Dog_Kyle3 April 10, 2019