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A very smart handsome soul who is great at everything he does.

Deakin is amazing

by Reeeeee kid June 30, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very powerful being, a religion created to stop evil forces.
Deakin the king of all mortals.

Deakin is a god.

by JacobBieber February 14, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derived from the term Deacon meaning a low ranking member of the Catholic Church. A Deakin is a low raking member of the indie band Animal Collective.

Bro#1: Who's you favorite member of AnCo?
Bro#2: Definetly Panda Bear.
Bro#3: Na, Avey Tare is the shit.
Bro#1: and Geologist is also dope.
Bro#2: True everyone in Animal Collective has their own unique skill set and important contribution to the band.
Bro#1: Everyone but Deakin.
Bro#3: Deakin sux!

by Bro Chi Min December 11, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


In the Lancashire area, deaking means to stare, or 'stare-out'

Friend1: Stop walking man, the guy across the road is deakin at me.
Friend2: Wtf? Lets beat the shit out of him.

by BluryVision October 28, 2007

48๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


the kind of guy that really gets in the way of everything and is really annoying.

uh that guy is being a real deakin

by yomama'snightmare February 20, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


a university in Victoria, Australia known for being a party school filled with under-achieving plebs doing criminology or some other useless course.

Person 1: Lol RMIT is way better than Monash
Person 2: As if! RMIT is basically a TAFE.
Person 1: Well at least we don't go to Deakin
Person 2: hah trueeee *laughs together*

by proskier August 9, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

deakin derwishing

Deakin derwishing is the practice of playing several gaming tables at the same time. A person may be playing roulette, blackjack and dice simultaneously by running from one table to the other placing bets. It can also be said of a person playing several slot machines at the same time

Simon was Deakin derwishing in the casino last night, at one stage he was playing 5 tables at once

That guy can run fast - he has to with all the Deakin derwishing he does!

by GamblersRamblers February 10, 2014