Deistology is a proposed research area that seeks the existence of gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms. Deistology advocates the use of technology, science, philosophy, spirituality, psychology, parapsychology, extraphysics and psychoextraphysics to search for gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms. Deistology is considered as the version of ufology responsible for the search for gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms, deistology was created by the union of scientific deism and technodeism as a unified area of study, although deistology is not precisely deist and can use other beliefs, religions and spiritualities as a basis. Deistology is also referred to as agnosticology when it is an agnostic approach to gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms, although the term deistology is still used in this case.
"I am a student of deistology and I say deistology is a very interesting area of study."