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Deistology is a scientific and religious movement that advocates technodeism and scientific deism, such as the officialization of both in form of a scientific area, deistology is also used to refer to the scientific area that searches for gods and spiritual beings using technodeism and scientific deism.

"Deistology is an interesting subject, mainly if scientific deism and technodeism start being developed, and the search for gods and spiritual beings start objectively."

"Deistology might help theology a lot, theology will do the theory and deistology will do the praxis. It is gonna be amazing for spiritual and religious people."

by Full Monteirism March 3, 2021

Practical Deistology

Practical Deistology is the practical area of deistology that seeks on putting the technodeist technologies and technologies for search for extraphysical beings in practice, the elaboration of experiments related to the search for extraphysical beings and the experimentation and/or analysis of the hypothesis related to extraphysical life forms.

"Practical deistology is a really based area of study, but it will probably only start to be developed like in 10-20 years from now such as the whole technodeist movement and the deistological area."

"Practical deistology might be the last hope of spiritual people and of several other groups to find out if extraphysical beings and life really exist or not, such as the whole existence of extraphysical worlds and dimensions."

by Full Monteirism March 6, 2021

Theological Deistology

Theological deistology, also deistological theology, is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to unite theology with deistology and deistography, in other words, theological deistology seeks the use of sacred / religious / theological texts, books, articles and registers in order to study the nature of gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms in general, using of deistological methods to analyze them and understand how gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms actually are in practice. Theological deistology usually considers those kinds of texts, books, articles and registers as a form of protodeistography since they were, supposedly, describing the nature of gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms.

"I am going to do a massive study on theological deistology, mainly on understand the nature of gods and see if it would be possible that they lived among humans in the past or not, it might be hard, but it will be really worth on doing it."

by Full Monteirism March 19, 2021

Deistological Hermeneutics

Deistological Hermeneutics, also hermeneutical deistology, is a branch of deistology and deistography that seeks to applicate hermeneutics on deistology and deistography. Deistological hermeneutics seeks to understand deistology and deistography discoveries, reports and registers in a hermeneutical outlook. Also, deistological hermeneutics can also mean the idea to use deistology as an important tool inside hermeneutical understanding of religious texts, books and registers.

"Deistological hermeneutics might be really useful for theological deistology, mainly to finally find out if gods, spiritual beings and materialized extraphysical life forms really were living among humans in the past or not, but it might take a bit of time until deistology be completely developed to help to find this out."

by Full Monteirism March 19, 2021


Deistology is a studying field and extrascientific field that seeks to search for gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms as a whole, seeking for the development of technologies and means for do so. Deistology is considered as the formalization of scientific deism and technodeism as a studying field and subject, that's the why of the term Deistology (Deist-ology). There are still a debate if deistology should be considered as a science or not, having a lot of discussions and debates about that, but it's considered as a nonscientific area just as extraphysics and multiverses are considered, despite having some scientists who advocates that deistology is a scientific field just as extraphysics and multiverses also are scientific fields, at least scientific fields that aren't hard sciences nor soft sciences, but a third category of science that still should be developed, often called as extrasciences, spiritual sciences and extranatural sciences.

"Despite the big debate if deistology is or is not a science, religious and spiritual scientists advocate the formalization of deistology as a studying field and that should have research and development of this field, such as of the field of extraphysics and multiverses as well. Despite some skeptical scientists often put deistology, extraphysics, multiverses and anything related to them as "pseudosciences", everyone agrees that even those fields do not being completely scientific, they should be developed and studied as well because they are still valid and are open fields of study."

by Full Monteirism May 13, 2021


Deistology is a proposed research area that seeks the existence of gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms. Deistology advocates the use of technology, science, philosophy, spirituality, psychology, parapsychology, extraphysics and psychoextraphysics to search for gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms. Deistology is considered as the version of ufology responsible for the search for gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms, deistology was created by the union of scientific deism and technodeism as a unified area of study, although deistology is not precisely deist and can use other beliefs, religions and spiritualities as a basis. Deistology is also referred to as agnosticology when it is an agnostic approach to gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms, although the term deistology is still used in this case.

"I am a student of deistology and I say deistology is a very interesting area of study."

by Full Monteirism July 22, 2021

Theoretical Deistology

Theoretical Deistology is the area of deistology responsible for the theoretical studies of deistology, such as the nature of extraphysical beings, like gods and spiritual beings, theoretical development of technodeism and of technologies to search for extraphysical beings and the creation of hypothesis related to extraphysical beings.

"Theoretical deistology the most mindblowing area of theoretical studies, even more than the ones related to multiverses, omniverse/omnidimension, string theory, search for extraterrestrial life and extraphysics as a whole."

by Full Monteirism March 6, 2021