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dirty minded

exceptionally prone to seeing the scurrilous, sexy, or kinky aspect of everything; obsessed with sex; prone to seeing sexual overtones to nonsexual behavior.

A dirty minded person may be hypocritical and unctuous, but read filthy motives into the acts of other people. For example, in the movie "American Beauty," the military officer wrongly assumes that his son's interactions with his neighbor are homosexual, rather than commercial--projecting his own repressed sexuality onto others (with deadly results).

The dirty minded obscene person does not shamelessly exult in his bawdy language, nor does he use it without self-consciousness... The dirty minded person has only partially internalized the taboos that he violates...

Joel Feinberg, _Offense to Others_, p.267

by Abu Yahya February 23, 2010

84πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

dirty minded

probably the things you are searching other than this

guy 1: that dude is on urban dictoinary
guy 2:EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! SO dirty minded


by i perrrrrrrrrrrson December 20, 2021

dirty mind

Try this little test, and see if you can figure out the word that I am thinking of based on these three clues:

1. It is a four letter word.
2. It is a term for a woman.
3. It ends in the letters U-N-T.

If the first word that came to your mind wasn't "aunt", then you have a dirty mind.

by Penbiks November 19, 2007

142πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

Dirty minded

Someone that thinks the wrong way

Aka Boys they are so dirty minded

by Kayla2749491771 January 20, 2017

49πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Mind

When a person is dirty minded, they think abt anything weird, even Yum-Yum Fats from you chest..
They will probably think of something sexual more often then a person that isnt dirty minded.
like if you find 2 basketballs and someone gave you a stick.. wtf would that be if you put it in the centre of the 2 basketballs..

*You*: Hey!! Do you know what starts with p, is inside pants and you can put something in it??

*Dirty minded friend*: Uhh.. i dont think you wanna know


*Dirty minded friend*: oh.. i thought it was something uhh.. lets say dirty-

by 2DRY4U December 9, 2021

dirty mind

It's a word you use when someone is being kinda sus, Like when you say something but someone hears it inappropriately.



Person 2: *opens door*

Person 1: hm?

person 3: we were just talking about how big my closet was

person 2: oh ok...

person 2: *closes door*

person 2: I'm Dirty Minded

by NikkiiAlann (❁´◑`❁) December 16, 2021

Dirty minded

Basically the whole civilization of this world

This world is dirty minded.

Oof I'm dirty minded
Ugh ur so dirty minded

Sarah: me and bob had...
Me: what did you have?

Sarah: we had everybody's dream
Me: which is what?
Sarah: SEX!!! Duh
Sarah runs of squealing.
Me: this world is dirty minded

by iamapperently88%awesome😱 March 15, 2020

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž