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The sus guy in your friend group seen holding hands with other boys and flirting. He always wants to give others a head.

Ayo look itโ€™s Elon look at him

by Elon H March 23, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


complete asshole who thinks he's the shit and goes from girl to girl without even think about it, he also teases girls into liking him and then goes for a different girl and doesn't even realize what he is doing because he's a complete douche-bag

I hate elon because he doesn't even realize how much i love him

by Emily Partole May 6, 2008

79๐Ÿ‘ 203๐Ÿ‘Ž


Referring to the University. A fine academic institution comprised of people who are generally shallow, with no real depth, besides material things. Imaturity runs rampant. I am at Elon, in one of the best (Top 3 ~ there is no best, ours probably is top for the upcoming class, though) Fraternities. Too damn immature. I am transferring next Semester. Peace Bitches.

Oh, and you will hear "Let's get fucked up"
1 - Hey how was your night last night
2 - "Awesome, Man, I got so fucked up"
1 - Really, what did you do?
2 - "Ha man, just got fucked up"
1 - You are a dumbass

This is of course not true of all people, especially in some fraternities.

Too many queers.

Too many gelled hairs.

Too many dirty, rich, northerners.
As opposed to wealthy, well-brought up northerners or southerners.

Gel your hair and be a homosexual.

by Man of Morals November 22, 2004

122๐Ÿ‘ 513๐Ÿ‘Ž


Elonity is the word used to describe the efficient and unapologetic witty humor of Elon Musk.

Elon Musk: "Comedy is now legal on Twitter"
Dany: "This guy has mastered Elonity"
Elon Musk: "Nice Urban Dictionary word"

by D the Top G January 10, 2023

186๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you miss your internet friends.

I was elonely Friday night because Dan went to the Tigers game.

by LosrDogg September 27, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


elon is full of rich rich kids who think their mommys and daddys can get them out of any mess. and they can. everyone is preppy preppy...lacoste, polo, jcrew, vineyard vines- the only way to go. sevens jeans, citizen of humanity, paper denim- the perfect jeans for the girls. any thing from Mynt is appropriate. they also spend the appropriate amount of time at A+tans. every girls tote bag is monogrammed and an herve or vera bradley. the girls sport their greek letters 7 days a week. 110% pin is common on bags, jackets, and shirts. students spend their evenings getting drunk-- pregaming in danieley suites or dorm rooms or the occassional fraternity house then heading to the bar. (west end mug nights on wed. and 50cent draft on mondays) weekends are full of parties in sheridan, off campus houses, fraternity houses, etc. many students party 6 nights a week. the other side of the party student is pulling all nighters in club belk, staying there until the sunrises to get all the work done that they procrastinated. and if you go to elon you know that there are NO straight paths. the campus is beautiful, best ever, but you can't get anywhere in a straight line. if you're lucky enough to visit elon on a pretty sunny warm day, you'll see tons of girls laying out in bathing suites by lake mary nell, or students throwing a frisbee out on the main lawn (the boobs) or people having a slip n slide in danieley. elon students definitely know how to party. if you're smart and choose to go to elon, you should definitely join a sorority or fraternity, but only one of the top ones. and believe me, you'll know which ones those are.

a tip: get to know the police officers. if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you.


"Today we salute you trendy Elon girl. In your pointed-toes stilettos, you understand that having blisters and cramped pinky toes is a small price to pay for the approval of your peers. Sure, your Vera Bradley bag and oversized pearls may appear to have been stolen from your grandmother, but we rest assured that your daddy bought them for you fair and square. And yes, you may be snobby to every guy that appraoches you, but we know that you're only doing them a favor by helping them understand that they are, in fact, gay. So here's to you trendy Elon girl, because everyone knows that behind your dyed blonde hair and falsely-tanned skin there sits a real person in the driver seat of that lexus SUV; and that real person... is a pale brunette."

by eloner June 1, 2005

179๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž


1)A College in North Carolina that absurdly refers to itself as a "University." A country club for elites from Maryland, a place where much drinking is done. 2) A small town in central North Carolina. 3) A Hebrew word meaning "shrub."

1. Elon got madd drunks, yo.
2. I heard Elon just got a new Cruz Thru.
3. The goyim think elon means "oak" but it really means "shrub."

by suleyman April 26, 2005

293๐Ÿ‘ 391๐Ÿ‘Ž