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Emmanuel is a handsome, tall man who you will learn to love unconditonally. He will tell you the sweetest things and make you smile when you're at your worst. When you dont feel pretty he'll make you feel like the most beautiful amazing woman on earth. He is intellegent as well. Top of his class of course and excellent at fixing things. He wears the cleanest nike shoes and has a twist of mystery. He has the most charming smile and a very great poet. He is a great kisser and the best boyfriend a girl can ask for.

Fabii absolutely loves her boyfriend Emmanuel.

by fabiiii October 24, 2011

1278πŸ‘ 324πŸ‘Ž


One of the most amazing and beautiful girls you will ever meet. An Emmanuelle is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face, and is the kind of girl who lights up a room with her presence.

Slightly kooky, a little bizarre, but very funny and unique, you will never meet another individual as truly inspiring and wonderful as Emmanuelle.

Wow, you look so gorgeous... Almost just like an Emmanuelle!

by redconverse93 July 8, 2011

271πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


If you get the chance to meet an emmanuel you are blessed he will take care of you and do anything for you he is very shy at first but when you get to know him you won’t regret it he is normally tall has a very very dark humor and enjoys being sarcastic he.

If you meet an emmanuel you are blessed

by E2saucyy December 29, 2018

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


HUGE DICK!! Emmanuel has one of the biggest cocks around. Any hot girl will fuck him for Any thing. You Will love his huge buldging cock!! He will fuck a woman so good her lips feel gyrated. Oh my God I Love Emmanuel.


by H.az.e July 6, 2017

42πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Emmanuel is not the best person in the world, but he's willing to be with you through thick and thin and love you unconditionally. Most def tall. You won't regret meeting one.

Jess: If only I could find my knight in shiny armor
Me: Emmanuel is willing to take up the task

by JezthisiswhatIhavetoSay July 7, 2015

170πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Emmanuel seems a bit aggressive and rude on the outside but apart from that he is a good person who will lighten up your day. He is friendly and you would like him to be your friend. He is full of laughs and jokes. He is a good athlete and likes to play

outside games. He is handsome and the type of person who won’t give up so easily Emmanuel is a really good friend

Xavier: Hey guys can I play handball with you.
Emmanuel: Yeah sure
Mustafa:I will beat you
Emmanuel: we will see because I won’t give up.

by Xavier quispes December 23, 2019


If you know someone named Emmanuel, you got to be one of the luckiest. He would be the best person you could ever met. He is caring, loving, talented, shy and funny. He is also the sweetest! He knows how to cook different dishes but he is often too lazy to do so. One thing about him as well is that he is introverted. He always wants to be alone. He loves to lay down all day and just play games. Also, he loves cats!

You would be reminded how special you are every time you are with him. You would feel protected just by his presence. Even his words were straight forward but delicately delivered. He loves to listen to rants and random stories. He would always be there by your side. You are lucky enough just by being his friend and the luckiest if you are his lover. So if you are with him, take care of him. Because even with his strong aura and personality, he is also precious and vulnerable.

Emmanuel is the bestest guy I've met and I would move heaven and earth just to be with him.

by saymynameandeverythingjuststop July 12, 2022