Anyone who disagrees.
"You're a Fascist!"
"I'm an Anarchist, actually."
81👍 31👎
A supporter of a form of government characterized by the merging of business leadership and the state, rigid one-party rule by the extreme right-wing emphasizing strong centralized power, with militarism, an aggressive nationalism, and the suppression of all opposition.
Key elements of a fascist state were exhibited both in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany.
Fascism By The Numbers:
1) Corporate Dominance of Law and Society
2) Military Supremacy in Funding and Policy
3) Reckless Nationalism in Foreign Affairs
4) Suppression of Organized Labor
5) Unification By Fear and Hatred
6) Expansion of Prisons and Prison Sentences
7) Usurpation of Power and Authority
8) Abuse of Human Rights at Home and Abroad
9) Religious Zealotry in Government and Military
10) Alliance with a Tightly Controlled Mass Media
The following statements illustrate the fascist mindset:
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." -- Hermann Goering, Sr. Advisor to Adolph Hitler
"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly…it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." -- Joseph Goebbels, Senior Advisor to Adolph Hitler
In a 1995 essay "Eternal Fascism", the Italian writer and academic Umberto Eco attempts to list general properties of fascist ideology.
The features of fascism he lists are as follows:
>"The Cult of Tradition", combining cultural syncretism with a rejection of modernism
>"The Cult of Action for Action's Sake", which dictates that action is of value in itself, and should be taken without intellectual reflection, and often manifests in attacks on modern culture and science.
>"Disagreement is Treason" - fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action.
>"Fear of Difference", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against foreigners and immigrants.
>"Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class", fearing economic pressure from the demands and aspirations of lower social groups.
>"Obsession With a Plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat.
>"Pacifism is Trafficking With the Enemy" because "Life is Permanent Warfare" - there must always be an enemy to fight.
>"Contempt for the Weak" - although a fascist society is elitist, everybody in the society is educated to become a hero.
>"Selective Populism" - the People have a common will, which is not delegated but interpreted by a leader.
>"Newspeak" - fascism employs and promotes an impoverished vocabulary in order to limit critical reasoning.
349👍 251👎
A person or political party with extreme rightwing views, often including racism, nationalism and complete obedience to authority.
693👍 738👎
Well to simplify a fascist to someone who is intolerable of someone's opinions. It's also a word that liberals like to mindlessly throw without even knowing the meaning.
Stop calling me a fascist I'm actually pretty tolerable of other people's opinions
53👍 75👎
An extreme form of government that is controlled by a dictator. The dictator rules with an iron fist, often through terror, violence, and racism.
Adolf Hitler was a fascist dictator in germany in the years 1933-1945.
That guy`s such a friggen Fascist!
88👍 124👎
Someone who is based and redpilled
I am a Fascist because I'm a gamer
15👍 11👎
Fascist political movements are characterized by violent intolerance of any and all competing ideologies and movements. Rather than campaigning to win hearts and minds, fascists employ tactics intended to intimidate and terrorize opponents into submission. As demonstrated by Hitler’s brownshirts in Weimar Germany during the 1920’s, fascist tactics include smashing storefronts and destroying property, disrupting competing political events (sound familiar?) and beating attendants as well as attacking the offices of journalists and newspapers critical of their movement.
Once in power, fascist regimes will track down, arrest, incarcerate, beat and or execute their political enemies. Media is tightly controlled and the flow of information is closely guarded to protect the state. Invasive surveillance is employed to detect dissidents who can be arrested without cause, sentenced without trial and subjected to hard labor, re-education camps or execution. Fascist movements are especially dangerous when they deceitfully try to present themselves as “anti-fascist”. By simply labeling everybody they disagree with as “white supremists” or “nazis”, so-called anti-fascists are able to get away with much the same behavior as their brownshirt forebears. When trying to decode which political movement in your country most closely resembles fascism, the one that is openly advocating “punching” people they disagree with is probably the one to stay away from.
I employ fascist tactics to intimidate people I disagree with. Yet somehow I’m anti-fascist. <scratches head>
49👍 61👎