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Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII was fantastic in the year it came out. Now, it's understandable why there is such a controversy over it in 2006: people are now expecting better graphics and bigger, more complex storylines. In 1996, Final Fantasy VII had these so the american population went crazy over it. Sure, there was no need to hype it up, but most did anyway. Just like people are doing now for video games like Kingdom Hearts (II) or Warcraft or ven Xenosaga(I, II, or III).

In another ten years, these games are going to be looked at the same way Final Fantasy VII is now being looked at: overhyped.

Final Fantasy VII has a deep and moving storyline. However, most people prefer other games in the series, because they may think that, for example, Final fantasy VI had better graphic or more complex characters (or even both).

Whether or not you enjoyed the game depends on your own personal taste.

For me, I thought that Final Fantasy VII had a great storyline, terrible graphics(the cut scenes could've been better, but then again I didn't play it in 1996 and am now used to game characters that can talk and 45-min long cutscenes: blame Xenosaga), and one of the most messed up main characters around. I mean, seriously, Cloud was screwed up for more than a disk. Well, anyway, I would much prefer Final Fantasy X's graphics anyday. Other then that, kudos to Sony for bringing about one of the best rpgs in 1996.

Final Fantasy VII was fantastic in 1996. In 2006, however, I'm looking towards Final Fantasy XII, because frankly, it'll have the graphics and storyline expected for this decade...I hope. In 2016, we might have hologram videogames...I can't wait.

by Reikokittykat April 13, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy VII

While it was certainly an influential game, the transition from 2D to 3D did nothing in terms of gameplay for the Final Fantasy series in VII. Final Fantasy VII literally rehashed the gameplay from Final Fantasy VI and added the extremely novel and worthless materia system to try and make the gameplay look less cut and pasted, yet anyone that had played Final Fantasy VI beforehand could see what a shameless copy VII was. Many other game series that had moved from 2D to 3D had retained the classic 2D gameplay feel while actually getting significant gameplay changes from moving into 3D which made them feel fresh (e.g Zelda and Ocarina of Time). Since Final Fantasy VII changed nothing gameplay-wise when moving into 3D, the gameplay ultimately felt stale to those who had played previous Final Fantasies.

The presentational values VII introduced were excellent but the complete lack of any real gameplay evolution was largely disappointing for fans of the series who had played previous installments. Unfortunately VII is overrated for the fact many people had never played a JRPG before in their life (as they were mostly popular in Japan until that point). Many people were unaware of how its gameplay had no significant changes in the transition from 2D to 3D and how the games only redeeming factor was the presentation.

A disappointing game all in all.

Person: What significant gameplay additions did it make over Final Fantasy VI?
Person: No what I mean is "gameplay", you know the bits you actually play, not what you watch. You know, most of us buy games to play them.
FFVII Fanboy: ...

by Primus107 May 20, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy VII

Incredibly overrated title from the Final Fantasy series. It had it's moments, but the main problems were the dislikeable characters (Spehiroth, Cloud, Aeris, Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Cid, Cloud, every one of the Turks, Barrett, Sephiroth, Yuffie, and Cloud), the low challenge when compared to the other 6 Final Fantasy games, the dreadful-looking polygons that have bloated wrists and ankles, and the fact that the final boss can destroy several planets but dies in one hit if you've done things properly.
Even so, it had an innovative ability system that expanded upon FFVI's Espers, useful limit breaks for each character which can do a number of things in battle, impressive background graphics, and a great number of sidequests.

Otaku Final Fantasy VII fan: FF7 is the best game ever and sephiroth is the best villain ever and cloud is the best hero ever and tif'as tits make me want to splooge.
More observant gamer: FF7 was overhyped and overrated. I enjoyed every other Final Fantasy game much more, and the only edge I saw in FF7 was the marvelous soundtrack.
Otaku: fcuk u, ima jack off to cloudxvincentxsephiroth yaoi

by Oni-Unit July 13, 2005

91๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy VII

For the average hardcore gamer who gamed in 1997, a flawless masterpiece.

For the intelligent and thoughtful gamer, game designer, or fiction writer/lover/TVTroper, a baffling combination of the extremely impressive and the mind-bogglingly pathetic. It had an incredible budget and yet they didn't seem to hire a quality assurance team, an experienced music arranger, an experienced 3D modeler, or especially an English proofreader.

The story would be genuinely touching if the translation weren't a garbled, largely incomprehensible mess, and if the 3D character designs and animations weren't among the hilariously worst ever made in a 3D game. Much of the art was breathtaking for the time, but the character models, which are the most emotive and arguably the most important visuals in the game, look horrendous. The music is fantastic in concept, but whoever converted it into MIDI doesn't know a fucking thing about how to use MIDI well-- although I will admit many of the songs did actually turn out well. There were a lot of complex ideas coded into the game, but there are far more hilarious and pathetic glitches in sheer number than even Sonic '06 has, even if the actual frequency of the glitches in VII compared to that of those in Sonic '06 is only 50% at worst.

Final Fantasy VII is not the *perfect* game, nor is it the most awful *joke*. More like, it is the *perfect joke*.

Bob: Hey man, Final Fantasy VII is the best game of all time!

Steve: If by "best" you mean it has "the largest gap of difference between the most amazing and the most awful points ever achieved within a single work", then yeah, it is.

Bob: Uhhhh... What?

by DenimMage August 13, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy vii

"...quite possibly the greatest game ever made."
-GameFan Magazine

In my mind, Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game ever made.

by bobertdude July 7, 2007

152๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy vii

A game considered the best by mainstream RPG gamers due to it's "maturity" by mentioning things such as death, religion, and love.

In truth though, it is not that great. It it just another game that was overhyped by American otaku in an attempt to seem more japanese.

Aeris (Aerith) died... get over it.

by darksoulexile December 24, 2004

90๐Ÿ‘ 203๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy VII Fankids

Pigheaded, ignorant sheep-minded fools who refuse to admit that games have improved in the decade since Final Fantasy VII was released. Worship an overhyped video game because it is fashionable to do so. Also tend to target Final Fantasy VI and VIII as the popularity driven trend of hate.

Any attempt to improve or advance the stale, trite formula of: "Stand in a line, pick fight/magic/Item from a menu and wait.
-Or, moving past interface/designs that only existed due to hardware limitations-
are met with fear, irrational rage, insults and a refusal to accept change or improvement.

Immune to logic, common sense, counter arguments or objective, even handed thought.

Final Fantasy VII fankids want Final Fantasy VII over and over with graphical improvements only. They are also arrogant enough to define the entire series by superficial means like "being turn-based".
Nothing will ever be good enough because they don't want it to be and don't care how ignorant and stupid they look.

by Lig Na Baste June 10, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž