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fingers are abnormally fat and stubby

Damn that redhead has huge fungers

by fungers December 14, 2009

8👍 14👎


Placing ones testicles into their own anus for sexual pleasure.

My boyfriend loves it when I help him funger himself.

by Queen of the Unicorns July 5, 2014

4👍 13👎


a "funger" is defined as a fake grunger. Normally a church going daddy's little girl. they will attempt to be grunger by listening to pappa roach who i agree are good they will often go to grung shops and buy one grunge outfit thyre always seen in .

kerin nightly totally fake grunger
funger would be used in the context nixy is such a poser i no she shuch a funger

by sarah allen August 17, 2006

5👍 36👎


Something fun and dangerous

We could go bungee diving off an airplane! That could be very fungerous!

by Anonynonymousse May 13, 2024


When you deliberately do something you know is potentially very dangerous in the heat of the moment, usually egged on or inspired by friends who are "bad influences." Usually you regret it afterwards ~ but even so, lets admit it ~ if you were taken back to the moment, you'd probably do it again.

The other night I took a pill some stranger gave me while dancing at the club. Usually I wouldn't think of doing something like that but I didn't want to seem uncool in front of my cool friends and in the mood to try something fungerous.

by skeptic_here April 25, 2017


Fun and Dangerous, could result in injury of some sort. Or just could be a risky move.

That ropes course was Fungerous!

by lohikäärme June 28, 2018


Def1. n. To cover oneself in fungus.

Def2. As liver is to deliver, fungerate is to defungerate.

Def3. If the evidence you give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god, then you are being fungerous.

Hamish was being quite fungerous when proclaimed his genitalia was fungerous and he was having fungerous problems when he defungerated. Fungeration?

by OfficeofDefungatorialServices August 16, 2010