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Generation Y

The offspring of Generation X and the baby boomers, born typically between the mid 1970s and mid 1990s. The affects of the previous generation’s bad parenting skills has rubbed off onto Generation Y. As a result, it’s called the “me” generation and known by its egos, superficiality, sensuality, materialism, entitlement, instant gratification, selfishness, poor work ethic, and a general lack of responsibility. Generation Y has been bombarded by violence, sex and too much information—mostly bad—being shoved down their throats by the media and our culture. As a result, Generation Y is the generation of school shootings; you can’t even go to school anymore without fear of being shot. This generation knows more about the Simpsons than they do about our founding fathers. Generation Y also looks to miscreants like Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton as role models rather than Martin Luther King. It pays more attention to what’s going on in Hollywood than what’s going in the world around them. Generation Y has given us the cell phone, IPOD, the iPhone, the internet, text massaging, PDAs, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game Cube, American Idol, TIVO, Starbucks, MySpace and E-Bay.

With the bad social vices and immorality of Generation Y, I’m afraid to see what the next generation will look like. Our society will only get worse.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com August 17, 2008

81👍 115👎

Generation Y

Generation Y otherwise known as echo boomers, or Millennials, is the term for the Generation born between 1980 and 1995. Most of them are children of either Baby boomers or Generation X.

These people are the first to grow up with technology, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the recession of 2008. By the Mid-2010s, they will be the largest working force in the United States.

These are the Generation demographics:
Greatest: 1901-1924
Silent: 1925-1945
Baby Boom:1946-1964
Gen X: 1965-1980
Gen Y: 1980-1995
Gen Z: 1996-present

To be clear, Generation Y last through 1995, then 1996 is the start of generation Z

by LethalWeapon8295 May 11, 2013

23👍 27👎

Generation Y

The offspring of Generation X and the Baby boomers. Also known as the “me” generation. It’s a generation of young persons born typically between 1980 and 2000, and the offspring of dysfunctional parenting practices of Generation X that has resulted in inflated egos, entitlement, selfishness, materialism, debauchery, and a lack of responsibility. It’s the generation of the cell phone, IPOD, the iPhone, TIVO, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Sponge Bob, and school shootings.

Generation Y is a troubled generation, and its values will be the eventual downfall of our country.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com August 16, 2008

60👍 90👎

Generation Y

Descriptive of anybody young enough to have spent more time listening to Muse than Radiohead.

Generation X think Muse sound too much like Radiohead. Generation Y don't care.

by Amdy September 22, 2010

13👍 23👎

Generation Y

William Straus and Neil Howe's clustering of millennials based on birth years, the generational classification was referred to as Generation Y, and muddled the fair representation of those who experienced their adolescence and cognitive-development years in step with the nascent phase of home-based Internet access technology.

While often lumped together with millennials (as defined by Straus and Howe), the developmental phase of social interaction, which involved information technology's burgeoning impact on society, was overlooked. Generation Y represented the crossroads between millennials who were well immersed in computer technology even as far as experiencing an institutionalization of computer education in academic curricula and Generation X members who were heavily immersed in broadcast media's influence and yet largely uninitiated in computer technology. Generation Y represents the link between the non-digital age society shaped by Generation X, as adolescents (MTV Generation), and the dawn of the Internet age that saw the transitioning of society to easily accessible online communities (Bulletin board system, MIRC, Yahoo! Groups, Internet forum) especially during the introduction of dial-up Internet access to households.

Gen Y entangled pop culture and digital community-building through bulletin board systems, online forums, website mailing groups, mIRC, ICQ, and other electronic modes of communication (predecessors to social media) into today's digital age.

Generation Y and Generation Z cannot be lumped together and be called Millennials; as those who said so were clueless about how the two generations were raised and how they developed their ways of thinking.

by CommandereON January 19, 2018

3👍 4👎

Generation Y

The crop of young adults born between the early 1980's and mid-1990's. Their childhood was spent mostly indoors playing video games or watching cable or satellite TV with over 100 channels to choose from at any time. They mature into teenagers faster than their predecessors, but also take longer to get on their own, fully mature, buy a house, marry, and raise a family. Many of the middle-class Generation Y'ers grew up with parents that constantly monitored them, kept them enrolled in after school activities, and wouldn't let them play outside unsupervised. The early ones grew up with internet during their teen years and the later ones grew up with a computer in almost every household. Childhood obesity became a major problem with this generation. They rely on praise and positive feedback to be able to function in school and the world. They're less likely to party hard, do drugs, have premarital sex, and engage in risky activity like the Generation X'ers and Baby Boomers. Those who don't go to college are a minority.

Generation Y

by waspcoloredstain June 10, 2013

8👍 17👎

Generation Y

Annoying bunch of people that haven't grown up. Born from 1976-1990. They shack up and have kids without getting married, still live home with their parents at 30, go to college til their 30 without any truly defined goals, and still think they could take on the world. The idea of work bothers then so they vote for some whacked out meathead douchebag of a president that gives them welfare so they can spend it on weed and poorly functioning condoms.They have the worse sense of fashion known to man and gender androgyny is common for this generation. These are the people that wear their hats backwards, buttcracks showing off, pants on the ground, and think they are "fashionable". Their kids are better dressed than them and they are more mature than them.

Generation Y - annoying generation

by kyster23 May 13, 2011

18👍 61👎