Source Code

Golden Shower

Some times:
The act of peeing on a significant other shows loyalty, honest and belong to someone that's dear to you shows vulnerability and faithfulness , peeing on someone show your longing, care for, faithfulness, how much there wanted by you
Primal Animalist Love:
mark their territory to signal β€œownership” and to advertise sexual receptivity and availability.

My love show me true love with a golden shower to express we belong to one other

by Thinking man Balthasar July 4, 2022

33πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Golden Shower

A sexual act involving one person urinating onto the body of or into the mouths of other people.

I can take about an hour on the tower of power, as long as I gets a little golden shower.
-Frank Zappa (From "Bobby Brown Goes Down")

by Bobby Brown March 27, 2003

1991πŸ‘ 1149πŸ‘Ž

golden showers

the act of drenching an expecting/unsuspecting individual with gallons of urine.

On a crisp march afternoon with the wind blowing through the swaying trees, i unleashed my rod and soaked Bill with the golden showers.

by poontang inc. March 22, 2003

420πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž

golden shower

Pissing on someone, which from now on, should be refferred to as an "R. Kelly"

Only thing that make my life complete is when I turn your face into a toilet seat.

by SSDK May 26, 2004

2426πŸ‘ 1436πŸ‘Ž

golden shower

When you piss on someone.

I gave my boyfriend a golden shower last night. I just spreaded my legs wide open and pissed all over him.

by psychoshavon December 25, 2006

593πŸ‘ 351πŸ‘Ž

golden shower

Hot,piss urine streaming onto a lover.

"I like to have my face swathed in thee golden shower."

by Bart June 5, 2003

844πŸ‘ 539πŸ‘Ž

golden shower

To urinate on someone with the intention of humiliating them or sexually satisfying ones own twisted desires.

I gave her a golden shower.

by Craig Johnson March 15, 2005

739πŸ‘ 481πŸ‘Ž