Source Code


not here anymore.

Justin Timberlake: "You're gone, yo-o-o-ou're gone, yo-o-o-ou're gone, you're gone, baby girl you're gone, I-I-I'm gay...oops I didn't mean that, really."

Redneck: "Where'd my house go?"
Other redneck: "Gone. I think your wife drove it to the city."

by Nick D April 3, 2003

111๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word to describe a situation were someone is going to get fucked up or already has been.

"I was watching this one fat lady and she fell through the floor, the ony thing I said was,Gone!"

by Joe Tourbald March 22, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


Synonym for "going to"

See gonna.

"Bitch! You gone hit that or what, niggah?"

by Zor Prime November 25, 2003

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"going to" or "about to"

"I'm gone holla at ya later, patna."

by JB January 26, 2005

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My dad

Aww man. My dad is gone.

by Seeso Beeso March 22, 2021


Ebonics for sayin "bye" while leaving a message.

Yeah, wassup. It's goin down tonight so I just wanted to give yall a headz up, aightz?? GONE!

by Joshiro007 February 20, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Go-wn) From Houston Texas Ebonics
To be on so much Alchole, That the have no comprehension, of time, and where the fuck you are at.

"Mann, I went to the club, Had some drinking with shawtie, and I was Gone."

by Nasir Nasty February 8, 2003

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