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A very short girl. Usually around 5’2”. However, she’s one of the nicest and funniest people you know.

Wow, Haileigh is short.

by PragerU Language January 26, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Haileigh is literally the best human being to walk on to this earth, she is a goddess. she is always there for you no matter what, she would walk through hell with you. she's beautiful wait no shes fucking sexy. she is funny, has a great smile, makes you laugh when your crying, an amazing best friend, she is a thick girl, tall and brown hair brown eyes. she will always put her friends first no matter what. she will also kick anybody's ass if they're fucking with the people she loves. if you every get a hold of a haileigh never let go.

person 1. hey guys here comes haileigh

person 2. whos that
person 1. shes the best person every and really sexy.
person 2. ohhh that haileigh and hell ya she is

by mickey242006 May 21, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A girl who likes to sleep with a large number of guys for drug money

Sarah pulled a haileigh the other day.
What do you mean?
She slept with 5 guys for meth!

by Datbvtch April 11, 2020