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Name originating in Old English meaning "Hay Meadow"

Commonly found to be very sweet girls with huge hearts, Haileighs are loved by many of the people who's lives they've touched.

However, this prominent attribute may also lead to heartache and turmoil. For those who have huge hearts like a Haileigh, life cannot be all sunshine.

But Hailieghs should take heart, for without the rain that comes from the storms, the grass would not grow in the spring...

"Everyone loves Haileigh!"

by NoOneThatSpecial February 4, 2010

228πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Haileigh is my amazing best friend, everyone needs a Haileigh she is soooo funny, pretty, and sweet we hang everyday she can make u smile just like that. Haileigh has a dirty mind just like me lol, we get in a lot of shit together and do dumb things. I love my Haileigh. Oh and she will kick your ass if u hurt her frineds.

Girl #1 Who the fuck is that crazy girl
Girl #2 that’s Haileigh don’t fuck with her frineds she will kill you

by PopUlargirl0720 January 28, 2018

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Haileigh is a very sexy and very beautiful, she has big tits and a big heart. Is an amazing kisser and loved by all. Can be loved very easily and is a very rare girl to find

Haileigh is loved by all!!!

by Merkat1568 January 3, 2016

47πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Haileigh is such a loving person she cares vary deeply. she is so loyal even if she has been cheated on so many times. she loves sports and loves riverdale. she loves art and loves to paint and draw she is vary smart and pretty. some people don't like her because she speaks her mind. she likes two amazing guys.

Haileigh likes someone in her art.

by hanna20 September 6, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A loyal friend who will stay with you for years. Keep a Haileigh with you if you have one.

Aw man I love my Haileigh!

by zachishellacool December 18, 2019

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Literally the most beautiful being in the whole Universe. There is not enough words in the universe to describe the immense beauty haileigh holds.

Damn haileigh is so haileigh

by Godhimself3233 January 29, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One of the sexiest people you know. Best dick sucker you know. Her ass is huge. She can fit up to 3 penis'sin her mouth at any moment. No gag reflex. Perfect party slut

Wow she's so Haileigh

by UglyGodHamez March 16, 2017

15πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž