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Henri is the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet. He is always up for an adventure and can show you places you’ve never even knew about before. He’s pretty great at popping a champagne bottle and is always great fun to be around. He’s pretty great at everything he does, and his fishing skills are immaculate.

Dude, have you met Henri?

by coolfishH October 29, 2020

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


It hurts my head hurts it hurts pain pain pin

Hi henry

by CreeperCaravan December 3, 2019

46πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


He is the best friend anyone could ever have. Do not ever let him go. Would easily the biggest mistake of your life.
Henry's are always caring, nice, extremely sexyyyyy, usually better as a latino. So veryy very intelligent and perceptive. Basically a sweet Know-It-All :D
Occasionally is frustrating due to the fact that you can never measure up to the Henry's. Then they always like to believe they are right but its ok because most of the time they are. They try to figure out things they cannot and will always be asking questions about everything.

Easy to shop for though for holidays and what not because if you bother them enough times then they will tell you the exact thing they want.

If you ever end up dating one, he will probably be one of the few people that you will fall in love with and no matter what, always trust them because they will never betray that trust.

guy 1: Hey look its that one super sexy guy, his name is Henry isn't it?

guy 2: Oh wait hold up guy 1, no no that guy isn't a Henry, that is an Edward. (wink wink nudge nudge)

by yellowpolkadotbikini December 13, 2009

538πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž


A translated contemporary version of the word, Hero. A Henry will rise to the occasion when most needed, especially during times of epic battle and interstellar confliect. It is good to have a Henry in your friend group and/or family because during an alien invasion or attack of super villians, the Henry will then disappear only to re-appear as a Hero of some type, Superhero or galatic warrior sent through time and space. Henry is usually also the name of the Hero's alter ego, so if you know someone named Henry, odds are that person is a Hero of sometype. The actual superhero name is unknown, though if you have only one superhero, you can bet that its a Henry behind that mask or cape. Don't forget that if its a women, then her name is probably Henrietta!

#1 It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a Henry!

#2 Lady: Run, it's a giant teddy bear stomping through Manhatten!

Man: Eh...don't worry about it. Henry will take care of it. Won't you, Henry?

Henry: (Silence because he's no where to be found)

Man: Look at that, he's on it already! (Points up to the sky where a caped figure is flying in, heading towards the giant teddy bear)

by Frostylad February 5, 2010

284πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


Dick cheese

Henry is a Dick cheese

by Djdvhdnebdjsndb June 4, 2019

77πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


The word Henry, is a word that can used to describe somebody who is incredibly attractive and good looking and with an amazing body and hair.

OMG that boy is so HENRY
You are so HENRY
I wish i looked HENRY
that is HENRY

by kinghenry93 May 8, 2008

3971πŸ‘ 2054πŸ‘Ž


an 8th of marijuana

Do you know where I can find Henry?

by Dan April 29, 2003

2349πŸ‘ 1213πŸ‘Ž