Source Code

Hot Sauce

Different take on the word 'cool'

Can also be extended to 'Hot Sauce and Banana Cakes'

"I have a lolly."

"Hot sauce."
"I'll be late home tonight."

"Hot sauce and banana cakes."

by Nafes September 30, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Sauce

Meaning "Oh Snap". said in a funny manner. mostly a high pitched voiced

Friend: "dude i asked out this chick and she rejected me."

You: "Hot Sauce!"

by AndrewRyans October 22, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot sauce

Pepper spray

Due to the fact that this defensive weapon is derived from chili peppers and ranges from 2,000,000 to 4,500,000 Scoville units. (The hottest pepper in the world is 2,200,000)

Me: โ€œYeah this guy was coming at me with a baseball bat just now so I gave him the hot sauce.โ€

Other guy: โ€œHoly shit man, is he ok?โ€

Me: โ€œNoโ€ฆ no he is not.โ€

by Nitai July 22, 2021

hot saucing

Where a one puts un deliluted hot Tobasco sauce in a childs mouth as a form of punishment.

Hot saucing is just one of the many forms of child punishment in a proposed bill to portect children from unusual punishments.

by Sami Yamamoto June 11, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot sauce

cum, sperm. 21 savage uses it in "Bartier Cardi"

When I was fucking her, I pulled off my condom and put hot sauce on her titties.

by Jboogie04 March 12, 2018

57๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot sauce

Best. Condiment. Ever.

I use my hot sauces on my BBQ pork, pasta, Italian food (including pizza), burgers, steak, Mexican food, Oriental food, omeletes, and other tasty kinds of food.

by frodaddy November 14, 2005

212๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot sauce

a straight balla from the AND One videos

Oh shit nigga you just got yo ankles broke by hot sauce

by The Automatic leg spreda March 22, 2003

253๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž