KMF means kicking my feet and you use it when you are simping or find someone pretty or cute
Kmf means Kicking my feet like for when you are simping or happy
hey jamal this cute girl just sent me a picture of her #Kmf.
An initialization of Kill My Face. When you display and emotion or reaction on your face and you feel shamed for doing so. “Putting your emotions on your sleeves”
Ugh I miss that bitch so much, kmf.
Kill my fucking self
Used when someone says something extremly dumb.
Kevin: "Hi look at me, i found a girl on PSN and she wants to be my GF for ever!"
Alex: "KMFS..."
KMF refers to Blayke Kretschmar’s “Keep Me Famous” role via Snapchat stories.
“Did you see the recent KMF story? Blayke crashed into a wall, drank a bottle of lotion, chugged a 40, smoked a full cigarette in Dunkin' Donuts, and shot putted a bottle of Jack Daniel’s across a field.
“That KMF shit is wild, Keep Me Famous.”
literally kms but with fucking in it
kill my fucking self
I'm gonna kmfs