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karmic orgasm

That elation of being able to witness karma come around and bite someone in the ass.

After she keyed my car, it was a karmic orgasm to see her car get repossessed!

by AJUHDG May 18, 2017

Karmic Justice

The law of karma or law of behaviors vs. balance, cause vs. effect, action vs. reaction can all be described with one proverb: "as you sow, so shall you reap." Every activity and behavior creates a force of energy that comes back to the originator of that energetic force at the same level of force, energy, and intensity. We must find the karmic balance to reap the rewards of karmic justice.

They're crazy for thinking they won't reap karmic justice for slandering her on social media. They'll reap what they sow.

by Karmic Justice August 26, 2022

Karmic relationship

A karmic relationship is a type of romantic relationship that is often unstable and features unbalanced power dynamics.
While the relationship often feels exciting and passionate, it can equally damaging and you may find yourself inexplicably drawn to this new person and find it hard to give either them or yourself space.

These relationships usually don't last long and end up being very toxic.

Usually these relationships are physically draining.

More like narcissistic, gaslighting, manipulating and controlling.

These are the type of relationships you don't want to be in. But it's good for learning about yourself.

Especially if you have unhealed trauma.

Source: Tiktok - @Trippy Fye

"Karmic relationships are love lessons"

"Because it showed me who I am"

by Ph03nix6669 August 17, 2022

Karmic Spank

To receive a form of punishment directly connected to a wrongdoing

Student X ruled the elementary playground roost - harassing and haranguing with no regard for human decency. One day, while little Sammy and Mary swung contently on the swing set, X decided he wanted their swings. So, he grabbed Sammy by the collar and yanked him off backwards landing Sammy on his coconut, dazed on the tarmac. Sally fared not much better: X pushed her forward with bionic strength launching her head first into distant shrubbery. X cackled and barked out, "Way to stick the landing,”prancing around proud of his handiwork. X mounted one of the swings and started pumping like a crazed weasel. He pumped so hard that he ended up directly above the horizontal bar that the swing chains are affixed to. Now, he would be a victim of gravity: in an instant, X looked down and saw the bar coming up fast as he fell from the sky. His head met the bar with a crack so loud that a math teacher, at the board in a distant building, paused his blatherings and shooshed his own class for the noise. X then missiled into the earth, his head augering into the mote of a former sand castle, his body, above, in the open air, standing straight up, like a simple hard coral. One on-looking teacher who knew of X's on-going predilection of beating other kids, using obscene verbiage and just all around nastiness, looked calmly at another teacher, while sipping on his 20-gallon jar of joe, and said, "Well, it looks like X really got the karmic spank on that one."

by Royal Wulff 2.0 January 25, 2023

Karmic Relief

Gesture of atonement. Actions taken to compensate for the accumulation of "bad" Karma.

Having spent years clawing his way to the top thinking nothing of his co-workers and their needs, Frank felt he was in need of some Karmic Relief.

by Tagz November 5, 2008

18👍 5👎

karmic footprint

The amount of good or bad karma you produce in the world.

Those kids who broke into my apartment and stole my laptop left a pretty nasty karmic footprint.

by alvin draper October 2, 2009

9👍 2👎

karmic smackdown

When the universe finally delivers an epic and/or poetically just payback to someone who really, really deserves it.

"Yeah, so remember that radio blowhard who made those misogynistic and racist comments? He lost his voice, his sponsors, and got arrested for drug possession - narcotics and Viagra without prescriptions. Gotta love the karmic smackdown."

by Professor Ninja August 10, 2012