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adj. An inability to defuse bombs.
n. Small english guy with nurse's uniform.
v. To lose your temper.

Defuse the farkin bomb KARMIC!!

by PsYcHoKiLLa September 15, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


When the moral consequences for someone's actions result in the amusement of others.

Man: Ahh! I totally stubbed my toe after kicking that dude in the nuts.

Woman: Hahahahaha! That's straight karmical. Hahaha!

by Imitation Orange December 1, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


In a karmic fashion, relating to karma. Adverb of karma.

It is a good idea, karmically speaking, to be good to others.

by karma queen October 31, 2004

33๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The art of being like karmic dragon, in the same way as being "closer to jah"

Karmic take rude-boy to zion!

by Gumba Gumba February 27, 2004

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

karmic backlash

When things go smoothly for a period of time and you're enjoying life, karma finds its way back to you and fucks things up.

I had the best November but I'm getting karmic backlash and December is turning out to be such a drag.

by Yana TV January 22, 2009

107๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

karmic justice

When a random terrible thing happens to you because you did so many terrible things to other people.

Wow Julie got attacked by a dog? Well she did treat a lot of people badly, that's karmic justice for ya.

by NYNinja November 5, 2015

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karmic synergy

Used on ABC Family's "Greek" a synonym for destiny

Rusty: "Why don't we at least try to recruit new pledges during Rush?"

Cap: "Leave it to Karmic Synergy. If these freshies are real KT material they will come to us."

by goddessofpulkertude April 13, 2009

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