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Katniss Everdeen

An amazingly awesome and attractive girl who I am very in love with

Hey did you see Katniss Everdeen

Yeah she looks hot

by Ryan is fat22 July 21, 2021

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Katniss Everdeen

May contain spoilers

Katniss Everdeen is a young girl who volunteered her sister Prim. She was a tribute in the Hunger Games. She fell in love with Petta Mellark to get them both out of the arena. At the end of her first games she holds a few poisonous berries to let them both leave together. But to the rebels it was an act of defiance to the capitol. President Snow threatens her, but in the second book she demolishes the arena. Then to save Petta she becomes the Mockingjay. The rebels are just getting to the square Katniss watches her sister die from a bomb. The day of the execution of President Snow she was to shoot him but instead she shoots the new president (Coin). They contain her during her trial in her training quarters. Then at the very end they have 1 girl and 1 boy.

Katniss Everdeen is a role model to us young girls. She is loving but fierce.

by ARMY. January 26, 2017

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Generation Katniss

Generation Katniss or "Gen K" refers to people born between the millennial and zoomer generations in the late 90s and early 2000s.

The name Katniss refers to the protagonist of the YA book the "Hunger Games" and how the YA genre was very influential in the pop culture Gen K was raised in.

Occasionally this micro-generation is also called "zillennials."

Similar to the term Generation Oregon Trail before it which refers to people born between the Gen X and millennial generations.

Guy#1: I was born in 1998. I can't relate to tiktok zoomers or millennial 90s kids!

Guy#2: It's because you're both and neither. You are part of Generation Katniss.

by Teegarden Roses June 30, 2023

katniss (v.)

1. (verb) to shoot with an arrow

2. (verb) to shoot like a BOSS

Related forms
katniss·a·ble, adjective
katniss·ing·ly, adverb
out·katniss, verb
un·katniss·a·ble, adjective

Can be confused:  bow-shot (n.) = the distance an arrow travels from the bow

katniss (v.)

(Example 1)
Dude 1: Did you see the archery duo Sara and John yesterday?

Dude 2: No, I didn't get the chance to.

Dude 1: Duuude, they are insaaane!! They could straight-up katniss the pants off your legs bro....

Dude 2: (@_@) Wicked........

(Example 2)

Dudess: From where you're standing at right now. That target, which is situated behind the tree, is just unkatnissable.

Dude: I'll bend the arrow.

Dudess: (>_<) I’m not Jolie; &we’re not in the movie Wanted.


#to katniss the unkatnissable

(Example 3)
Bro 1: You can’t outkatniss the frat kingpin of the beer-pong bro... no way

Mamacita: NO DOUBT ESE! My money’s on the kingpin aaall day!

Bro 2. No way in heaven I can’t; I katnissingly make EVERY shot.

by Icystrider April 20, 2012

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Katniss Everdeen

Brave girl who got reapt into the 74th Hunger Games from District 12. She became good friends with Peeta, Rue, Finnick, and many others.Then later became the Mockingjay. Also

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Merlark

by district 12 April 23, 2019

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Katniss Everdeen

This girl is so precious. She is flexible. She manages her money good. She is beefable. She does not have jaundice. She is a pleasure to have in class. She can solve every riddle. Jack of all trades, master of none, is bettah than being a master of 1. Bottom.

Sean: OMG! What is up my king?
Rian: Just BAGGED a Katniss Everdeen...
Sean: Citi boyz up

by IamaDiva#fire#Rebel March 29, 2024